Mister Pants

The moment when I gave up on World War Z:

Wait…there's another kind?

You just can't keep those Ratboys down, now can you, Mr. Potter!

Do you want Die Antwoord? Because this is how you get Die Antwoord!

YOUR MOM'S just another stop on the global festival circuit!

I like the cut of your gibbering!

The best Dirty Harry parody was in Hollywood Shuffle: "As soon as he said 'Make my day,' boom! Do fifty bullets in yo ass make yo day?"

That's certainly food for thought, dogg!

Does anyone else have to pee whenever the phrase "bathroom law" is mentioned?


Hey, you broke my highball glass! I need that now that I'm creatively bankrupt!

Boobs Are a Force That Gives Us Meaning by Chris "Nudge Nudge" Hedges



She's in her 40s!

Second Interview with the Vampire
References Check with the Vampire
Offer Letter from the Vampire

Awww yeah!!

It’s less that I hate the song

Well, many of his early comedies are masterpieces of self-reflexive, absurdist humor. And during his creative peak in the late 70s and 80s I guess a lot of his appeal was that he was a funny intellectual who kind of embodied urban highbrow cool while simultaneously lampooning that set. As a neurotic, overanalytical

I've been mostly underwhelmed by the more recent Marvel flicks. We shall see…. *strokes beard thoughtfully* *resumes crippling alcoholism*