Mister Pants

Not only will we see them die, but we'll see them lightly poached and served with a beurre blanc!

It's true! We're so lame! *leaps to death*

400 quatloos on the plaintiffs!

Don't forget "The Negron Complex"!

I canna give ya more wisecracks, Cap'n!


He doesn't pussy foot around!

Looking forward to some hot Satan-on-jackal action!

Indiana Jones never once fulfilled his longing to see the Hoosier State!

"Let's eat this entire can of liquid cheese!"
— from A Stoner's Treasury of Projectile Diarrhea Tales

I thought Swiss Family Mortensen was some kind of hipster band name!

Can I borrow a (snarky) feeling!

African American midget


"I must break you…r balls you fuckin' mutt!"

The most withering form of snark…is no snark at all.

Stallone nano impression: "Yeah!!"

The review says she was punched in the "cut" — not having seen the episode yet, I was very curious to know the nature of this typo!

Thanks a lot, Geats!