Mister Pants

Where'd they DIG this guy up? Would it KILL ya to have a little patience? [laughs maniacally]

Moar Shoah!

Bloody cabin boy!

What? It doesn't sound anything like my…I mean yeah! Fuck those fat depressed English lit dorks!

You should name it Steinbeck. That way when you ask for it, you can say "Gimme my Stein beck!" The ensuing dead silence will make it easier for the bartender to hear your beer order.

It's patty good!

Be quiet!

Is this Netflix's way of preparing us early "grandfathered" subscribers for the upcoming $2 rate hike?

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." — Raylan Givens

I do…but I wish I didn't!

Really? He looks like a Romanian warehouse manager!

Yeah, I can see that viewpoint. The interview actually was interesting as a glimpse into that world. I found "Rage" a strangely enervating, flat personality, but that makes sense as he seems to be basically like a middle manager of the rap music video world…prolific and dependable, good at racking up solid numbers

Yeah, but wasn't it established that he was a former soldier? I mean, yes the whole thing was definitely kind of ridiculous, but I guess it didn't go over the edge for me.

I dug it. It's rather low-energy for the most part, and the plot doesn't really hold up under scrutiny, but the performances are solid and the "undercover guy gains the trust of the ultra-wealthy evil villain" storyline is right up my alley.

For me it worked, because for the most part he just had to use the skills he already had as a hotel manager — being charming, a good liar, reading people, etc. I was skeptical at first because I thought he was being set up to become a Bond/Bourne type hero or something, but I don't think it ever went that way.

Sorry, people are now too busy renaming all the other things.

Better Fuck Chuck

My mother made me Google once. ONCE!

I think it's that self-realization is a powerful and inherently dramatic theme. Jimmy and Walter both struggle with their identities, the conflict between who they truly are and who the people in their lives want them to be. We know who they are at their core, and we know they will ultimately come into their own; the

I've always figured that Jimmy changes his name, not for any shady reasons, but to symbolically cut ties to his family and past and mark his emergence as his own person.