Mister Pants

I might be too close to it since I've read it many times, but I always found DKR to be very economical storytelling, almost to a fault. There is quite a bit of story that Miller leaves to the imagination.

I honestly don't know how people are able to produce art for mass consumption and expose themselves to public reactions in any way.

My interpretation of that scene was that he shot to wound but not kill. One of the things that really stood out for me from DKR was his descriptions of how precisely he was wounding his foes (or being wounded by them), so it would seem consistent that he would shoot the mutant, but make sure not to hit any vital

I think the all-time best comic book Reagan was in Chester Brown's Yummy Fur, where Reagan's head was attached to the head of the main character's penis.

Abe-ry now and then I fall apart…

The A.V. Club
Everybody’s spouting their own beliefs or derailing the conversation without actually listening to anyone else.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Holden Caulfield

It definitely knocked me on my ass.

This is Jordo being very upset.

Do not go earnest into that good night

"I don't even know anymore!"

It's Garry Shandling's Show helped shape me into the ironically detached GenX cynic that I am today. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

You really shouldn't be looking at screens if you want to get to sleep!

The A.V. Club


I rewatched Man of Steel a few days ago (I actually liked it a lot more this time), and something I realized is that Superman doesn't actually cause as much damage to Metropolis as I originally remembered. 90% of the destruction is caused by Zod's terraforming machine. Supes isn't even in town for most of the damage,

Steve, go kick his ass!

I also thought Dolores Claiborne was fantastic (and another one that's non-supernatural).

Fin is the name of his conjoined twin.

"There are other roles than these."