Mister Pants

*sniffs air* I'd say you boys have had enough!

I got 99 problems but manspreading ain't one!

Life ain't nothin' but respect for the ladies!

Mellifluous melange, monsieur!

That is a disappointing Revylashin.

Oops! You are correct sir.

What bothered me was the false choice the story offers, between implementing precog technology in the most extreme, unjust way possible, vs. not having it at all. Instead of arresting future criminals, why not just warn them that police are aware of the crime they're about to be involved with? It seems like that would

But you're a whiz at them!



I don't leak this job very much

Could you give me more Faxon that Rash

I hope not Cos I will be pissed

I think for me it was the novelization of Jaws…that book actually taught me much non-shark-related knowledge at way too early an age.


Or his stint at the tandem bike shop?

I enjoy hot dogs grilled over Altered Carbon

You might say he's acting……haughty?

"Everybody Has Freedoms"

Last I checked it was still ten bucks!