Mister Pants

Worst Smash Mouth tribute band ever

I'm gonna stop saying "fuck cancer," because it seems to just make cancer mad.

Depends on whether or not I have some bottled water to rinse him down with.

I'm enjoying the recent trend of horror anthology films. I feel like it's the best format for most horror stories — most feature length horror films are too draggy for my hamsterish attention span.

It's weird the things you remember…for some reason, the thing I remember most vividly from watching Grizzly Adams as a kid is the rainwater barrel he had outside his cabin. I remember being really envious of living somewhere so clean that you could drink rain water without fear of contaminants!

That's Hedley!


The most surreal moment I have experienced living in Albuquerque was watching Breaking Bad and running into Bryan Cranston at the grocery store. It was like being transported into the show. Quite disorienting!

This was very moving…as someone trying to get free of demon liquor, I found your words inspiring. Thanks for sharing this, and congratulations on your sobriety!

Coming Soon to SyFy

Alien 3:16

Out of the butt?

Alien will come out of the butt

I've heard quite a few OKC/online dating horror stories, and they are terrifying! Was there no indication in advance of the date that they would be sketchy/awful? Like in their profile or pre-date conversation? I want to believe that these experiences result from being dazzled by a pretty face and not paying close

"Have you seen the album art? It's lovely!"

I like the cut of your jib!

I am not throwing away my shot…to see this when it airs!

I find that a good musical holds up though even if the music itself becomes dated. I encountered Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita well after their heyday, and although the music was very much of their time, it didn't impair my enjoyment.

I am a contrary grouch and I definitely scoffed at this when my friend recommended it to me, but I'm very glad I got over that and gave Hamilton a try. It's legit awesome.

People should wear t-shirts for the opening band. It's annoying how some people will make a point of ignoring the opening act, so it should be a thing to counter that by wearing the band's t-shirt as a display of support.