
If young godless voters don’t turn out in the mid-term elections I am going to fucking scream. STOP LETTING THESE OLD ASS HYPOCRITICAL FUCKERS DECIDE OUR FUTURE.

Gif Thread!

The windshield shot first!

Yondu’s crew was a ragtag band of space oddities...

Insufficient interest in Rey or Monopoly?

Now playing

I think you meant Amazing 90s Sitcom. Esp this glorious music video

Yes, bae is not an acronym; however, it’s still the dumbest word to enter the English vernacular in the last fifty years.

...or GTFO

He had the best joke in the skit too.

Most importantly, can we talk about the return of production designer Akira Yoshimura? He played Sulu in the original Belushi timeline. That should be a story in itself.

Please do NOT give us Young Morpheus

I’m not going to lie: the loss of Jane meaning the probable loss of Darcy the worst part of Natalie Portman leaving.

Well, if it seriously threatened to lay waste to Earth’s biosphere and end civilization as we know it, I’m guessing Americans would elect it President.

I was prepared to quibble with Constantine’s relatively low rating, but everything above it I either haven’t seen (and therefore cannot judge) or am forced to admit is reasonably positioned. Still, Constantine gets a bad rap. If you mentally divorce it from its eponymous supposed source material, you get a pretty good

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

If you can also throw in someone who is typically good looking but plays someone with a handicap or some kind of disfiguration, you’re helping. Throw in some WWII (preferably related to the plight of the Jews) and you’re golden.

Oscar loves movies about WWII and Hollywood.

In the United States, there are no such things as facts.

the entire video is fascinating, but this fact is fatally adorable: