
I LOVED seeing the Hound and Bre talk fondly about Arya. I guess that’s the “here’s what’s up with Arya” convo we were going to get.

BRAN: Dames, who needs ‘em? But you and me, pal, we get each other. Just two bros, hangin’ out, shootin’ the shit, doin’ man stuff. Like, um... um... scratchin’ our balls and... sports? And? my omniscience power is leaving me hanging here...

10000% yes they survived. They deserve gruesome on camera deaths for their parts. They’re not going out in some pansy ice avalanche death.

“You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges ... Lord Baelish?”

There is more sexual tension between Dany and Cersei than between Dany and Jon.

Finally, all those dickless Theon jokes paid off. 

Eat it, Littlefinger!

“Maybe it really is all cocks in the end.”

“Oh hey guy I met briefly years ago. I’m gonna tell you Jon’s parentage, but I’m not going to tell my sisters, for no reason.”