
After a heart rending 40 minutes showing just how broken, miserable, confused and angry she is, the perfect question - "Are you happy? Me too, let's not fuck this up."

And tasteful, no bobbling boobies

In the cloud, not the "clouds"

Voice from the future - sadly, not an issue.

Posted upthread - the basketball games are a clue too. The streets are eerily clean and suspiciously devoid of drivers and pedestrians, and the players are noticeably bad - dos anyone make a shot in that last basketball scene?

Another clue - the basketball games. The streets are eerily clean, no people driving or walking by, and the players were pretty bad - the last basketball scene, no one scored!

I killed you.

The Impossible Girl saves The Doctor. From himself. Again.

Myles - I enjoyed reading your insights and interpretations, and I appreciated the daily model because it gave us an opportunity to do this as a community, and all wonder what would happen next at the same time (for those who chose to watch daily). My husband also thanks you for the daily model as it meant I didn't

Curly hair
I actually thought she was going to ask her about hair care. How do they maintain their hairstyles in there? Black natural hair is high maintenance! (I speak from experience). They can't possibly get good products in there. And that Cuban girl had great curl definition. Maybe this can be a subplot for next

Yeah, if I remember correctly (I haven't re-watched last season) Pennsatucky is now on some serious meds to manage her issues.