
Was coming? Not Is coming? Sounds like it could be 2017 then

Fuck that English paper. Enjoy the game. Can do the paper on Wednesday night and spend the time regret not doing it sooner. :D

I agree. I’m at 219 and really struggling for days now trying to get higher. All my loots are turning out to be crap when I turn them in. I can’t even get any higher and I’m farming away in the hardest Strike I can do for them

It sounds really good... and addictive! lol. I don’t think I could put myself into something so addictive. Been laying off Minecraft because of that. It’s hard to beat the backlog and will be much harder when playing addictive games!

That’s very soon. I still have the first from that day we where given it for free on PS4 for the weekend. Only played it once or twice. Would love to jump back in but so many games just get in the way! lol

It’s awful when the controller does that. My Wii U has that problem a lot when I play Mario Kart 8, especially when I’m in the lead! It’s very very very annoying

It’s probably a game that needs us to buy dlc to get more information about this game

So what you’re saying is, you read everybody’s comments? As in every... single.... person that writes on here? Mine, the people above me, the people under me, everyone? Everyone, just not the people in Kotaku UK? Never seen anyone from Kotaku US doing some replies on the UK but Keza has done some in the US Kotaku.

I prefer Evie in the cut scenes and when talking to people because she’s nicer but I prefer Jacob to play as. + He already does great stealth anyway and is better at fighting too. Evie stealth isn’t needed at all as I could do the whole stealth with Jacob just fine.

Not really surprised with that. I find Black Ops 2 to be far better than Ghost and AW so if I still had the game, I would be playing it too. With Black Ops 3 just out on Friday, it’s clear that helps give a boost up. I would also been playing it to refresh my memory on the story and get some practice in for Zombies,

Never actually heard of that before. Do I need to sign up for it or do random people get chosen? I’m going to guess no because I never seen any kind of emails mentioning it.

That would be great. Thanks dude. GT is MickSter69. It could be a while before I finally get round to playing it due to so many games coming out but the next Xbox game for me would be playing Rise of the Tomb Raider first.

I understand what you mean. The same with me but the other way around. There’s been a few games here and there I wished I went physical with when I bought certain games from sales that worked out cheaper and wished for others to have went digital. Quite tricky to pick a side so I just settle for physical because I

I’m not liking the sound of Halo at all. I don’t really like Halo games but I play them anyway because that’s what my Xbox is for, playing the exclusive games. Had hopes of this Halo being decent until recently I read someone talk about no matchmaking for co-op. Sounds very off putting for me.

Wow those are amazing! I guess I’m just crap at taking photos because all the photos I take that I think look good, never comes out looking so realistic. Anyone got any tips to taking better photos?

I really loved that game!!

I’m using a WD My Passport 500GB for Mac. It’s amazing! When I plug it in and the power cable, it backs everything up for me and I don’t even need to do anything. Had it for a good lot of months now and it still works well.

I’m using a WD My Passport 500GB for Mac. It’s amazing! When I plug it in and the power cable, it backs everything

I really loved that mission! Made me feel badass when everyone was running away. It’s just a game after all. Few of my friends couldn’t do it so I messed around with them showing me doing it. lol. Was so funny

Did you save Yvette’s life?
Nope. I didn’t buy her story. She can say all kinds of crap to save herself because she knows she’s screwed. I left her for dead. I forget now what she said but she wasn’t nice so I knew I made the right choice. If she really was doing it to save him, then she certainly wouldn’t have went on

What the fuck is happening here?!?!?!