
The drum kit is all I care about and I’m thinking of getting Rock Band 4 for it. A reason for me not bother with Guitar Hero and I’ve always been a Guitar Hero person. Just need the game itself anyway. Can use my Guitar Hero world tour drums if I can fix it. Just wonder if the Cymbal would be a problem

Between this and Rock Band, which game do you think is better if someone is to only buy one? Which game do you prefer to pick up and start playing first?

Yeah I agree. I just had a game and I only started and this guy was flying all over the place killing me over and over again. Came out as the best player too. Beginners just don’t stand much of a chance.

I just woke up so haven’t read this yet but from bits and pieces I have read so far, is this really another Rock Band 4 review? Keza already done the Rock Band 4 review. Very strange to see a second one.

Looks like we will be crafting our own weapons. Can’t buy weapons. So the more material you get, the better things you can make. No idea about multiplayer but I can imagine this being a good game to go hunting with friends

Nope. It won’t be happening every month. Just now and then

Go to Upload to Online Storage, pick a game, click on a save and then on the right it should say ??GB/10.73GB of free space after uploading at the bottom just above the Upload button. Mine says 9.57 GB/10.73 GB

Would be just focused on the multiplayer and zombies. Either they could end up with different list (more added to it) or a very short one making it an easier platinum for trophy hunters.

My favourite CoD game!

It goes out in waves so keep checking.

There’s meant to be. Funny thing is I haven’t even heard anything about the single player campaign. Seems all the talks is about multiplayer. Hope it does have a single player campaign with a good story

I just found a glitch by going through a wall into a little room. I could see the enemy and killed 3 of them. They couldn’t see me. Funny thing is I know how to get in, I just can’t get back out

Probably spent a lot of time playing Sleeping Dogs or maybe even Scotlands racing track in Driveclub using a car that has the wheel on the right hand side


29 for me. Slaved my ass off trying to get to that level. I’m having a blast too but part of me is a bit annoyed with myself for pushing myself so hard to get to that level and it was all for nothing. lol. Loving the Taken King edition tho. Just glad I didn’t have to buy those other expansions.

I heard a while back someone said there will be another expansion. Just one more before a release of Destiny 2. Do you know if this is true or is it just a rumour? If it is then probably not a good idea to say he gets it all when there could be just one more to come. ;)

Damn that sucks dude. Take it from me, just don’t buy stuff from any company like that. If you plan on buying dlc or expansions, I find it best to buy the game when it’s cheaper so that when I buy it, it totals up to the price the game was at release. Witcher 3 is fine tho. I like how they do things. But Destiny, they

I’m struggling too. The main console is the reason why it’s so difficult to get back to the Vita and finish up Golden. Also makes so hard to start Tales of Hearts R. Really want to finish the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 before the 2.8 gets released which I also have the DDD for the 3DS already which hasn’t been started. lol.

I still need to finish Golden. I miss playing it, just don’t have the time to do so.

I bought that game but haven’t had the chance to play it yet. Reading the title it says most Tales games don’t have it. And then goes to say “This marks the second time ever that a Tales game has been released in the West with both voice tracks”. Last I heard Tales of Hearts R only has the Jap voice. Does it include