Awesome Bryner

Looks like douchettes like the douche. LOL!

I love my phone to still work. I don’t love it broken. Even if cases do make them look ugly, which I just got one that is clear and see through and looks like it does not even have a case when it does. How is that ugly? You can barely tell it is there. I thought it was gray when purchasing it, but when receiving it it


I wouldn’t get an Iphone anyways. Galaxy Samsung, is what I would get. Apple does not use Micro SD Cards. They are way too pricey, even compared to the Galaxy series.

Well, since I only have synced to Google account and no save games or memo is synced to account, then this is the easiest way for me without a backup. Google has that backup from old phone. So to me with my new phone I just ordered. All I have to do is log into my account on new phone and it should take everything as

Hands Free Scooters sounds better.

I am never going to buy one, even if I had the money. They look ugly and the fact that the company can’t realize that hover is actually floating, not just thinking you are floating. I think this is stupid and I would not even want to own something that is from someone that is stupid to call it that. Sorry, if you hate