awesomeaustinv @

The only fun thing about EVs is their specs. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, specs are what get almost everyone to consider particular cars. But the difference is that once you get used to those specs, there’s nothing to keep you interested in the car, nothing to bond with, no soul. Electric vehicles are nothing

The Hyphen brought me here and I am not disappointed, take your star!

Hahahahahaha no. My plans for driving in December are to get my 1966 Ford Thunderbird’s carburetor tuned for the winter so I can see if I’ll survive driving a 4,385-lb antique V8 land yacht in the snow with no ABS or traction control and only when the roads aren’t salted. It runs on dinosaur juice, but it gets mpgs, a

The Void of Darkness is where all the fun cars ended up. We’ve been trying to get them out of there for years...

Stellantis may cause headaches, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, internal bleeding, spastic colon, blindness, deafness, a strange rash shaped like Nebraska, hepatitis, coronavirus, cancer, racism, suicidal thoughts or actions, or death. Do not take Stellantis if you experience any of these symptoms.

I don’t think you can even buy them new, they just materialize when you need one and then never disappear. It’s like they occur in nature... Some say you can find cave drawings of Coleman coolers being used to store mammoth meat.

“Bahrain Animal Rescue Center” does not anagram to “BARC,” an anagram is when you rearrange the letters to spell something else. “A Bacchanal Ermine Trees Ruin” would be an anagram of “Bahrain Animal Rescue Center.” You’re thinking of an acronym.

I mean, back then these cars weren’t really fast enough for the high center of gravity to make much of a difference, although in this case there is a big boiler up there... In those early days, there were no rules about how to build cars, a “car” was still a pretty vague concept in general. Nobody knew anything about

Ah, I remember that race... My favorite car that was supposed to compete in that race was this:

If you’ve played any online racing game, you know that that is the preferred method of slowing down.

Newton discovered that light refracted through a prism makes a rainbow, and one of the colors of the rainbow is orange, and brown is simply a very dark shade of orange, therefore Newton would most likely have a code brown first.

See, this is one of the reasons why classic car design is so great. They always made a specific place where the front plate would go so it wouldn’t look weird or mess with the look of the thing. In fact, there are many classic cars that would look weirder without front plates!

No. That thing totally has a face.

I’m just gonna save this picture for future potentially fantastic out-of-context use.

Counterpoint: This is exactly what all the fans want from Grand Tour. We like dumb, silly shenanigans. We like only sort of not pointless road trips/adventures in interesting locations. We like strangely-modified cars. This trailer checks all the boxes.

That car looks like a giant baby toy. 

Hudson was never owned by GM. Come on Torch, even I know that! Also, I wanted to meet you at that convention, but my service kitten wasn’t very good at following orders and got distracted batting at a semaphore display :(

lipstick on a pig on a pig on a lipstick

Ah, yes, that’s right.

All cars should resemble whale sharks.