awesomeaustinv @


Pft. My Thunderbird had fart-removal systems back in 1966! You just flick a switch and vents under the dashboard and rear window open to filter “stale air” out of the cabin. Plus, in the summer, it provides a nice breeze for my ankles. It’s also stuck open because it’s old and therefore freezes the crap out of my

This is the most satisfying unboxing video I’ve ever seen...

A truck from the 1970s, even one as nicely rebuilt and restored as this one, is still liable to impale you with its steering column if you’re in a serious accident.”

Space cars! Yes! I am all for alien street racing.

That Crab Mode had better deploy some serious pinchy-pinchies. 

Nope. Not even old enough to drink.

Ohhhh... Guess I just don’t know beer lingo. Thanks.

So a British muscle car, then? Want.

Shoot me and email if you want his info.”

I don’t get it...

We’re not in denial. We see how crappy things are with the pandemic every day, and with the measures campuses have to take, there’s no ignoring it. There are a great many different reasons why some of us choose to go to college this year anyway. Personally, I’ve had enough of quarantine at home, I’m ready to start a

Mmm, ‘94 Corolla, my favorite!

The simple fact that pies frequently do not have crust on top automatically invalidates the argument that it is a sandwich. Not only that, but even in pies that do have crust on top, it’s a different thickness/style/shape and is usually “connected” to the lower crust making it more of a pocket. By that logic, a

That looks better than it has any right to. I guess removing the roof gives it better proportions... Makes it look less bloated.

Same, but I’d also build old versions of new cars! Like an ‘80s Jeep Trackhawk or a ‘70s Prius or a ‘60s Porsche Cayenne... There are so many possibilities!

I count this as a good thing.

Jeep builds beautiful and amazing concept vehicles for the Easter Jeep safari every year which people beg them to actually produce, which they never do, and then they finally tell us they’ll bring back a famous and beloved nameplate and they give us this!? That’s not a Grand Wagoneer! That doesn’t look like a Wagoneer

I mean, I like easter eggs as much as the next guy, but not all over my sunroof. That’s no different than if somebody just scratched the crap out of it. It just interferes with the view! I don’t want to look out my sunroof and see Detroit. I hope this is just an optional extra, because I imagine it’ll turn a lot of

Or blue. Or green. I’m not picky. I just want colors, dagnabit!