awesomeaustinv @

I still believe the space shuttle should have been red. I don’t care if it serves no other purpose than being red, I want the space ship to be red.

I have a rough idea of where stuff is in the kitchen since it was my job to empty the dishes for a long time, although not everyone else would necessarily know where things were after I’d put them away...

Ugh. That, I think, is the only logical explanation for the square headlight epidemic that once plagued America. All these years, they had to make do with circles and nothing else, and as soon as they were allowed other shapes... SQUARES. SQUARES EVERYWHERE. Never mind that circles almost always look better, we must

Is it like male refrigerator blindness? I have refrigerator blindness. I always have to ask where anything is, and then I’m shocked when someone pulls it from right where I was looking. It makes no sense, but that’s how it be.

I mean, isn’t that the point of being rich? What is money for, other than enabling you to say “I want (insert obscure, no-longer-existent, or ultra-rare thing)!”, and have an engineering firm make you one?

I’d make one of these:

Back in the day, my grandpa made some removable screen windows for his VW Beetle. They were the same shape as the window frames, so all he had to do was roll down the window, put the screen in, and then roll the window back up a bit to lock it in place. It allowed him to comfortably sleep in his car without getting

I like these lamps, as they look like a lovely layer cake. In fact, I think it’d be fun to make a layer cake with red velvet, orange, vanilla, and more red velvet layers to emulate this lamp, though I can’t really bake.”

Part of me thinks it’s cute and the other part wants to kill it with fire.

I drive a classic car from 1966 in Idaho and I think all I had to do to register it was show that I had insurance. Over here, there are no emissions regulations for cars built before 1975 (and they’re thinking of raising that to 1983), so I never have to worry about that, and for any car over 20 years old they just

From the little bit of research I’ve done and people I’ve talked to, vaccines used to contain tiny amounts of stuff like aluminum and mercury which really aren’t great things to have in your bloodstream, but that was almost two decades ago. They’ve fixed it. I may be among the last people to have received the old kind

As far as I can tell, that’s the only fun party trick of EVs. What it boils down to is that they all have basically the same driving experience just with different specs, so smashing you into your seat with massive numbers is the easiest way to get attention.

Okay, I agree with you to a certain degree, but... The Jumanji reboot was absolutely freakin’ hilarious and if you hate it I don’t know how that’s possible.

It is when it works! I daily drove it for about a year until the V8 became a V7 and I had to do a full engine rebuild. It’s been a few months now and it’s running again, but various little problems are still preventing it from being a viable daily. Once those are fixed, though, it’ll return to daily driving duty...

I am becoming increasingly of the opinion that BOTH political parties are toxic and bad and need to die. All they do is fight and prevent anything beneficial from being done simply because the other side wants it. This isn’t how our government was supposed to work, it’s a disgrace to everything the founding fathers

As I do not live in the city and traffic isn’t too stationary where I live, I’m going to file this under “stuff to ignore and forget about”. Neither of the cars I drive regularly have air conditioning (one by choice because classic car and the other because, well, it stopped working), so the only way to not suffocate

My recommendation is a second gen Chevy Corvair Monza convertible.

Both have their merits. I’m partial to the low, ominous rumble myself. My Thunderbird has a particularly good one... It’s like a low growl... Like a T-rex whispering that it can kill you.

I think they’d be even more sinister with an utterly silent electric drive. I’d drive it around and just sneak up on pedestrians with it.”

I think it has something to do with sucking too much water into the intake while sitting outside with another car...