awesomeaustinv @

I’ve always wanted to do a Cannonball Run in one of these. I know it would be absolutely terrible at it, but that’s the point. You see, if it can’t go much more than the top speed anyways, I still get the experience of doing a Cannonball run, it just takes longer and risks nobody’s life. It would be more of a personal

Yeah.. I imagine it’s something you could get used to with time, but it’d be terrifying until then.

So... what you’re saying is that I can’t just swim in it and breathe like a fish.

Hold on while I think up... a snappy comeback.

I’m a sucker for sound design in movies. This is a particularly interesting example. Thanks!

Woah. I want to swim in it, although I’m not sure if it works that way...

Wait, are you saying some divers breathe liquids? We can breathe a liquid!? How am I just learning this now? What is it like to breathe a liquid? Sounds like it would be terrifying at first until you get used to it...

Talk about crawler gears!

I don’t work in a shop so I guess I don’t apply, but I am an amateur mechanic and I’ve been learning how to fix my car out of necessity for the past few years as my first car/daily driver is a 1966 Thunderbird. Since it’s never been restored, every now and then I’ll uncover something stupid/bizarre/absurd that a

Another recipe I would probably like and everyone else would think I’m weird for liking. Because the words “potato chip cookie”, to most people, don’t sound like they would go together. You don’t have to convince me that potato chips are good in desserts, I’ve tried it and agree. But for whatever reason, I can’t seem

But... the farmers’ market is back. At least where I live they are. Wear a mask if it makes you feel safer, but there’s nothing stopping you from coming. And it’s a good thing it’s back, too, because that’s how I’m earning money for College. I need the farmers’ market.

Challenge accepted. Now where’s my Arduino?

Aw, this one was boring, nobody suggested anything weird/old/absurd. Allow me.

Why does racing have to be so serious and corporate and homogenized? Racers are people who go fast around in circles for a while on the weekend to entertain us normal Joes. Life doesn’t have to be in black and white and red. It can be glorious pink and flames over an ocean with some cute animals along for the ride.”

They’re only good as outdoor pets, and that’s assuming you have a Savannah for them to roam around and hunt lions in.

But C O L O R S.

Wow, thanks for the info!

Stripes make everything look better.

Supposedly they’re terrible cars, but...

Well, other people here have also mentioned the whole idea of “safe colors” being a factor, but that’s largely ended up being a myth. Cars in actual colors actually hold their value better because people who want colors are willing to pay a premium for them.