awesomeaustinv @

True, but still, colorful paint isn’t really that much more expensive, and stripes are usually just vinyl decals. 

STOP. THIS. CRAP. RIGHT. FREAKING. NOW. Firstly, I want to say that I don’t hate the LGBTQ community at all. In my experience, they are very nice people. But STOP LABELING RANDOM THINGS AS “QUEER”. There is no such thing as gay food! It’s bad enough that if you like things like Miatas and Mini Coopers and cute puppies

I can’t remember where, but studies have found that it actually is less safe to drive silver/grey/black cars particularly at dawn and dusk because they don’t stand out at all and instead blend in with the asphalt. So you aren’t imagining things, you really are safer in a brightly-colored car.

“We spend so much time taking ourselves seriously. We hate other people’s fun.”

I don’t care what you say, I like the Mustang II. I want to put one on an AWD van chassis and make a crappy off-brand Hoonicorn.

The tires were originally designed for use in swamps (I have no idea what sort of swamp vehicle used them but I kinda want to see that...), though I have no idea why they thought that would make them suitable for snow. Perhaps they were simply the largest tires available at the time? Or because it was 1939 they

The tires were originally designed for use in swamps (I have no idea what sort of swamp vehicle used them but I kinda want to see that...), though I have no idea why they thought that would make them suitable for snow. Perhaps they were simply the largest tires available at the time? Or because it was 1939 they simply

I’ve been fascinated by this thing for years. From what I understand, the only thing really stopping it from being any good was the fact that they picked the wrong tire for the job. Heavy vehicle + zero traction = going nowhere.

I’ve always wanted a BMW Isetta or 700 so I can tell everybody I drive a BMW and then look at the expression on their faces when their mental image of perceived opulence is completely shattered by German microcar quirkiness! That would be hilarious on dates. 


Heh... I clicked on this simply because “lupini bean” is fun to say :)

How the frick do you milk an oat?

Really, it’s good that Toyota takes steps to employ more people with disabilities, but they shouldn’t let blind people style cars. I mean seriously, how did the Yaris make it all the way to production without anybody noticing that the car’s “face” appears to be vomiting?

A Korean SUV designed by a yacht stylist who should’ve stuck with designing yachts.

“ More respondents (37%) think Hyundai is a Japanese or Chinese automaker than the percentage (29%) who correctly identified it as South Korean. The same percentage (26%) said Lexus is American or German as did those who correctly identified Toyota’s luxury brand as Japanese. Only half of all respondents know Tesla is

It’s what I meant to say, at least. I wrote that before going to bed last night and wasn’t super satisfied with the wording of that part, but I was too tired to care at that point and declared it good enough.

I mean I’m not saying they don’t exist or aren’t common, and I certainly have encountered some jerk truck drivers, but what I’m trying to say is that there’s an equally common if not much more common flip side of helpful truck owners, and I think they deserve a bit more appreciation. 

That was a great episode. 

“62% have jump-started another car with their truck”

L&L Auto Parts? I’ve never been there, but I know it’s supposed to be really good. It’s nice because they sort the cars into “projects” and “parts”, so cars that are potentially salvageable don’t get parted out and remain pretty complete.