awesomeaustinv @

Except that that would be boring and pointless.


Sacre moo! Cette voiture est mon petit fromage!

Perhaps Dodge could simply offer decals or something to give you that cool yellow (or purple, or any other color really) contrast without leaving the shipping covers on? 

I actually kinda like it. I don’t think it’s ugly, I think it’s just so different and far removed from any ideas we have about what looks good in automotive design that at first glance, we don’t know what to do with it. But the more I look at it, the more I think it just sort of works. It’s crossed the line from

When the rear doors of a four-door car are suicide doors, it is just as cool as a coupe, so I like that this exists. For that price, though, I’d rather buy a classic Lincoln Continental and have it restomodded.

Well, it’s definitely a love it or hate it kind of thing. I’m firmly in the “love it” camp. Same with the Pacer and the Gremlin. I admire any time an automaker dares to be different, even if the results are somewhat bizarre and “ugly”.

“Step 1 declare your property an independent country”

You must be new here. You see, we love weird cars here. To us, the Matador is beautiful in its glorious ugly weirdness. 

Wait... Are you proposing that the perfect vehicle is a brown or green RWD diesel manual wagon?

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the slant six responds well to performance mods. People say it’s really reliable and overbuilt, so I could see it being a decent modding platform. Certainly an interesting one.

Blue interiors are good. And I have an orange car with a red interior, which is a bit odd, but I actually kinda like it.

....So? If you don’t know them, why does it matter? And if they do know you, you can just tell them it’s not quite your taste, but you just haven’t changed it yet or it’s not bad enough to be worth the money to change it. Or you can just discuss it with a sense of humor and joke about the weird interior.

Dang. I never realized how much better they look without the bumpers.

The look reminds me of the Mitsubishi Mini Active Urban Sandal.

I guess you’re not wrong, the interior could’ve been done better. But at least to me, it’s not bad enough that I’d refuse to buy it. It’s at least interesting.

I love it. Orange is good, and the paint looks good. Four doors are good. Slant sixes are good, even if I’d prefer a V8. The interior is... questionable, but I don’t hate it enough for it to be a deal breaker. The wheels are not the best, but they don’t look horrible. With the prices of more popular classics climbing

Counterpoint: black is boring. Cars need more colors. Colors are good.

When you said “matador”, I hadn’t noticed the actual matador standing next to the Toronado (what can I say? My eyes go straight to the car), so I thought you were refering to these: