awesomeaustinv @

They need to build cars the way the built cars in the ‘50s. Big, bold, technologically advanced, bold styling... Everything Cadillac was once good at but is now to chicken to put in anything other than a concept car.

My point was not that it’s better in any way, my point was that it’s more basic and bare-bones. I can’t really think of a more basic car than a motor wheel, since they’re so basic you can barely even consider them cars at all. Of course, I’d take a 2cv over a motor wheel any day.

My parents: Come do chores.

I’m just trying to calm down and remember that it’s built on a modular ev platform, so I should be able to remove the body and plop a kit car body of my choice on it one day, right?

This... This right here, to me, is the epitome of mildly infuriating. Why did you do that, Land Rover?!?! It makes no sense! So what if you can stick stuff on it? There are better ways you could’ve done that! and the whole thing about it being a signature design element is just dumb as well. It contributes literally

Maybe on older cars they were like that, but it’s 20-freaking-19 already, we have fancier technology now, and I bet some engineers could’ve figured something out. If all else fails, you could even just have them roll down like the rest of the windows, so you still get the airflow advantages of having vent windows

This gives me flashbacks to the Nissan Pike cars. It doesn’t seem to be intended to be a high-end or super expensive car, but it there is some charm and personality in the design that makes it stand out. My one complaint is why the heck are there no vent windows on it? Vent windows are a good thing, and this already

Because you can. The reason why everyone thinks they’re super tippy is because in that one Top Gear segment, they modified the car to be easier to flip for comedic purposes. Sure, stock ones are still easier to flip than four-wheeled cars, but in most ordinary driving situations you’d be fine. Also, they were heavily

Also to prevent kids from opening car doors while the car is moving. I did that once when I was little, simply because I wondered if I could.


My plan was always to take an ‘80s-era Toyota Hilux and stuff a Chevy 350 v8 in it. Hiluxes are dang near indestructible and Chevy 350 v8s are both fairly powerful and reliable, and practically grow on trees, so they’d be easy to find spare parts for.

I, too, think that going with a classic car would be the best choice. (To be fair, I tend to always think classic cars are the best choices, but in this case I think it’s especially true.) But instead of a malaise-era luxury car, or even more terrifying, a British malaise-era car, I think you should go with a

Agreed. I’ve been driving a 53 year-old, unrestored, classic ‘Murican land yacht almost daily for over a year and a half now and it’s only ever left me stranded once. The problem wasn’t even very difficult or expensive to fix. I actually expected it to be way less reliable than it ended up actually being. If you just

.................................................................... You know what, if that’s what it would have to look like, I would hope we don’t get it here.

I’m one of the weirdos who actually likes the Polara’s styling. It’s very different, but not different in a bad way if you ask me.

The Smith motor wheel would like to have a word with you.

Did you know that “butyraceous” means “containing or having the qualities of butter”? Or that the dot on a lowercase “i” or “j” is called a tittle?

Never heard of a mashed potatoes hot dog. Maybe I’ll have to try that someday...

I am willing to let other people drive my car if I think they can handle it. The reason why is that my car is a 1966 Thunderbird, and therefore driving it is not as simple as just getting in and going. In my Thunderbird, you have to turn the steering wheel about twice as many times as you would in a more modern car,
