awesomeaustinv @

Oooh... that’s good. Hadn’t heard of that one.

The combination of the styling, decals, and orangeness make the ‘69 GTO Judge my favorite muscle car. It’s too good.

Coincidentally, Checker also made limos.

Unfortunately, I have met people whose opinions disprove most of those selections. Someone I knew from an auto class in high school hated beach cars in general for some reason, some girls I know sadly think Nash Metropolitans are hideous piles of garbage, my dad thinks El Caminos are stupid, and I’ve met some wannabe

How ‘bout the Mitsubishi Flying Pug?

MITSUBISHI PAJERO FLYING PUG. It’s Japanese, off-roady, small, adorable, and it has the best SUV name ever.

I think it’s possible to like a car without liking all the details of its history. Like, I do think Model Ts are pretty neat and I admire the part of Henry Ford that was an engineer, but at the same time, I’m not a fan of the person he became after becoming successful. I can still like the car even though its creator

The point was not to create something that was any good to ride, the point was to create a rolling work of art that you could theoretically ride if you really wanted to. You were meant to stare at it and appreciate the work that went into executing the creator’s vision. If you don’t like it, that’s fine. Art tends to

Obviously, the owl lost its egg, and the kind ladies are helping it find the egg. That’s why it’s so important that they be able to see an egg on the ground from ten feet away. And they need many square feet of glass because the owl doesn’t like small spaces, so they wanted something that would feel more open. Kudos

Me a few seconds ago: Yeah, that’s what you get, Europe, for keeping all the cool RS6 Avants and Alpines and stuff to yourself! No GT500 for you!

My favorite would have to be the Toyota Sports 800. It’s adorable, tiny, and fun, and two cylinders are all you really need in an engine, right?

If they do that, I’ll sue them for emotional damages. They had better leave the pretty Estonian three-wheeler alone.

Somehow, a flat twin seems like the perfect gas engine for one of these. Though for this thing, I think electric will be fine.

This is the correct response. Give me tiny garage doors for my headlights or give me death. Although I am also a huge fan of the half-hidden headlights of the Lamborghini Jarama.

If loving Chick-fil-A is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

Not to mention the fact that you can buy/import plenty of other cars in America that can also outrun police cars.

That seems reasonable. Maybe it would’ve been cooler if he’d shoved a more powerful inline six in it, like a 2JZ or something, instead of an LS engine like we haven’t seen a million times before.

I’ve seen it several places on the internet where it was presented as fact, and I’ve heard it in person from GTR fans as well. Maybe it’s a regional thing, and more people in your area have common sense, which would explain why you haven’t heard it.

Nevertheless, those are some very annoying 12 year-olds, and it’s a very widespread myth. I have no idea where the myth originated or how it became so common, but it drives me insane how many people blindly believe it. I’ve heard it in person from GTR fanboys who were much older than 12, too, and it pained me that I