awesomeaustinv @

AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHH!!!!! If I lived closer to that place and had space for two cars where I live, I’d totally love to pick one of those up. At $250 each, for various charming old Italian cars... Man, it sure is a good thing I’m nowhere near this.

Then what’s the hydropneumatic fluid in Citroens, hmm? Or the “Rocket Fluid” used in the turbochargers on Oldsmobile Jetfires?

Two words: Seventies van.

I agree. Though usually my argument is that cute cars are tough because they do absolutely nothing to make the driver look tougher, meaning that the driver feels plenty tough without the aid of a big truck and feels no need to compensate for any lack of toughness by buying a big truck. Using this logic, I have

Well, I’ve seen cars with horns in other places, so I dunno...

Dagnabbit, I looked it in the eyes. What will happen to me now? Am I cursed?

There’s an urban legend in Russia about a black Volga limousine with white steel rims, white curtains in the windows, and sometimes devil horns instead of rear-view mirrors. Different versions of the legend have different ideas about who drove the car and why, but according to the legend, the mysterious car was used

It had me at the beautiful green paint. That is just gorgeous.

You deserved at least one star for that.

Well, I dunno about other states, but Idaho is actually a pretty good place to be a car guy, especially if you’re into older cars like I am. The weather in Idaho is pretty mild for the most part, and it’s dry enough that rust isn’t a huge issue, but not so dry that interiors turn to dust. Yeah, we do get snow, but it

I normally don’t show specific brands favor, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a huge fan of Citroen. (or Calvin and Hobbes)

This entire article is TMI. I hope you soon recover from whatever caused you to do this.

I’m surprised they worked for even a little bit. I was once playing kickball with a few other people, and at one point one lady kicked the ball so hard that it popped, so I’d never expect those balls to survive supporting thousands of pounds of car. Who knows, maybe that lady just had superhuman kicking skills.

Wow! My grandpa actually used to have a Mazda RX-2. He says that it was by far the most fun car he’s ever owned, and I think he told me that at some point he got it up to 100 mph on a completely empty road. They eventually had to get rid of it, though, when they moved to a colder state because the RX-2 wouldn’t start

The real question is... Who’s going to be the first person to build this for real and take it to Radwood?

I really, really, really want to try that. Then again, I also really wanted to try the chicken feet and octopus salad at the couple Chinese all-you-can-eat places I’ve been, so maybe I have really weird tastes.

Well that photo’s a whole other world of terrifying that I never wanted to see. If I saw that in person, I’d likely never sleep again.

Nope. Not necessary at all. Just less expensive than roasting some nice, expensive, sticky wide tires.

I can’t even begin to describe to you how many times I’ve wished I had one of those while in traffic. It would be so useful.

If you heat a macaroon in a microwave with a bowl of water next to the macaroon, it should come out nice and moist. Perhaps that would improve your macaroon experience.