awesomeaustinv @

Ehhh... I guess that’s true. That’s the same thing I tell myself when I see articles about electric cars. Sure, electric cars don’t have as much soul as ICE cars, but at least it means more gasoline for my old, ‘Murican land yacht.

I’ve heard that, in particular, many Corvette fans put the car up on a pedestal as something sacred that you do not simply mess with. You cannot reason with them, because in their opinion, If the car could be improved by adding something, then the great and mighty Chevy would have added that thing already, so if you

Note to self: In five years, I can import one of those fascinating things.

I, personally, quite like macaroons. The texture reminds me of coconut, which I also like, so I don’t mind them.

OOOOHHHHHHH.... That’s right, that’s what this article was about. I read so many comments about bacon and cupcakes and avocados that I’d completely forgotten the article’s subject.

Now that’s what I call Gourmet :)

Fill the centers of all donuts with icing. That is your new mission.

At this point, I have completely and utterly forgotten what this article was about, and the constant discussions of bacon and cupcakes are confusing me.

I fully agree. Cars are meant to be eaten. Eat all the cars. Don’t shove them in garages and stare at them, gobble those beauties up! Don’t let them expire in junkyards, masticate those tasty automobiles.

I can put up with most of your depressing food opinions, but don’t you dare disrespect bacon.

The heck is up with you right now? The H Van is the coolest van for food trucks of all time. I think it’s awesome when someone continues to love and use an old work vehicle for its intended purpose. H Vans have so much personality that anyone who decides to take care of one and use it as a food truck deserves respect

What are those import rules again? That you have to crash test it and emissions test it and make the necessary mods before you can sell it here? Obviously, emissions wouldn’t be an issue, but I wonder what it would take to get this thing safe enough for sale in America and if there’s enough of a novelty market for it

Tithe. At the end of each month, you give 10% of your earnings to the church, and a portion of that goes to the priest.

That sounds like a good plan. And who doesn’t love looking at $1,000 crapcans on Craigslist?

Cool! I have a ‘66 Ford Thunderbird, and it’s my (sort of) daily driver. I’ll probably give it some cosmetic restoration, since it has some dents and rust that I want to get rid of, but even if I restore it so it looks really nice, I’ll still keep driving it, because dagnabbit, it’s a car and it’s meant to be driven.

I DIDN’T KNOW THEY MADE A WAGON VERSION OF THAT!!!!!!!!!! Someone lock up my wallet, I can’t be trusted with it right now.

Fun fact: Chuck Norris can tie his shoes with his feet.

PREACH!!! I have an orange and white ‘66 Thunderbird, and it looks like a big, rolling Creamsicle. I love it.

Your tires remind me of mine. The whitewalls on my ‘66 Thunderbird are at least as old as the deteriorating paint, and the thought of driving any faster than 45 terrifies me. I’d replace them, but I’m waiting until I have enough money saved up for rims and tires, because the current black steel wheels on it look

If I don’t get bitten by a radioactive animal, how will I ever get superpowers?