awesomeaustinv @

Well, to be fair, they grew up with malaise-era wagons with hideous colors and tacky woodgrain paneling, which were considered the epitome of uncool at the time, so now they don’t understand how car enthusiasts like me could possibly think wagons are actually cool now. I’ve tried to explain that not all wagons are

You do realize he serves other purposes than just being an explanation for stuff we don’t understand, right?

I agree. I chose that picture because I happen to own a ‘66 Thunderbird, although mine is orange and a hardtop. Strangely, I think that they’re not the prettiest things in pictures, but in person I think they’re gorgeous. I don’t think I’ll ever sell mine :)

The problem was that our agreement was that they would double however much money I saved up, so if I saved up, say $2,000, they’d give me another $2,000 to spend. So I kind of had to get their approval before buying a car. It worked out all right in the end, though. I didn’t buy a wagon, but they did let me buy a 1966

I think that white and black are just as classy and timeless as tan when it comes to convertible top colors. White can look especially good on red cars, and black is what you use when nothing else works, because it goes with everything.

At some point, I saw some $500 buses and I’ve been scheming how to turn one into a Lemons racer ever since. I would obviously have to do a lot of metalwork to significantly shorten the bus lengthwise, and then I’d lower the roof by about a foot or two. And while I’m at it, I’d start with a pusher-style bus and try to

COUNTERPOINT: People are allowed to like whatever they want. Now, I’m not a huge fan of red convertible tops either, but there’s nothing wrong with liking certain color combinations. It’s not like red convertible tops are endangering anyone’s lives, so let people like what they like and don’t shame them for it. This

I love this article because of the link at the bottom that tells me how to make prank fortune cookies, which is something I have always wanted to do.

Here ya go.

I don’t mind the styling, but that color combination is atrocious. 

Holy masticating monkey mandibles, that Lamborghini is hideous. Not because of the styling, the styling is fine, but because some lunatic decided it would be a good idea to paint parts of it white and other parts off-white. It looks like a toy that got left out in the sun too long. It’s just an ugly color combination,

I guessed number three correctly! Yay! I seem to recall from a documentary I watched about the company that the name means “to roll” because they were originally a manufacturer of ball bearings.

Just think... The next time you sit down to answer nature’s call, during the duration of that visit to the porcelain throne, someone could buy a car and get it impounded before you leave!

My car had 300 horsepower at some point in its past, but those days are long gone and methinks a few horses galloped away. It was once capable of 120 mph, but I don’t think that would happen if I tried it now. I really ought to rebuild the engine at some point...


Not gonna lie, that looks like a blast.

I think I read somewhere that they aren’t actually that bad by today’s standards, they were just so much faster than anything else at the time that the pilots of the time weren’t prepared for what they were getting themselves into. Also, it is suspected that most or at least some of the crashes were caused by the

I’ve observed that whenever I’m at an auto parts store, most of the other people are buying parts for cars and trucks from the ‘90s, which kinda makes sense when you think about it, because that was about as good as cars got before electronics made everything difficult, so people who fix their own cars are most likely

I admit that I once drove through an unpaved construction zone because the GPS seemed determined that there was no other way, and my sense of direction was too hopeless to argue. At first, I tried to pretend that everything was okay, but I quickly started panicking and looking for a way out, as the voice in my head

I think it would technically be niño blanco, as adjectives usually go after the nouns in Spanish. I don’t remember most of the Spanish I learned in High school , but I do remember that.