awesomeaustinv @

Yeah... To me, alternators are like bees. I understand why we need them and I wouldn’t want to live in a world without them, but I still hate them.

Ugh, alternator problems. I feel for you. Recently, I was driving home from the local farmers’ market in my beloved ‘66 Thunderbird, when I pulled up to an intersection and tried to drive through it, and the car stopped running partway into the intersection. It wouldn’t start, there was traffic all around me, there


You forgot “irregardless” and “expresso”.

I know! It is somehow both everything I should hate and everything I love. I can’t hate it, it’s too adorable. It’s like the Ford equivalent of the Citroen Cactus. I’m just mad now that it is a CUV made by a brand that sells stuff in America, so it should sell well if they decide to sell it here, but they won’t sell

I love this thing, and I don’t care who knows it! I will shout from the rooftops that I wish to be seen in a Porsche 356 Limousine! I also really, really want to take it to a track day, and I don’t know why.

I dunno. I think that with many classic cars, (and modern cars, too) the sedans look almost or just as good as the coupes. And then when you take into account the fact that coupes tend to go for a heckuva lot more money than sedans, I think that the sedans start to look a lot more appealing. I mean, if you’re not

Same here. I don’t tend to like the shape of SUVs and trucks as much as the shape of sedans and coupes, so I find rugged, off-roady sedans very interesting. Also, I can’t help but think it might be fun to take rallying.

Sorry Aston Martin, but you’re wrong. This is the kind of car that women like:

And let’s not forget about “Jag”, “Jaguar”, and the proper pronunciation, “Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag”.

I dunno about the body panel creasing. Those big, flat panel pieces with creases are used in all sorts of sets, so they’re probably just being used there so that they don’t have to use a ton of smaller parts there. I’m not sure why the pieces have creases on them, but it’s probably not because of the Land Rover’s

Well, my family has owned a few Hondas and most of them were very reliable, except for a Civic from either the ‘90s or 2000s (I forget) that just has problems out the wazoo. It had a good reputation in reviews and seemed to be in good shape, but after a few months, it became apparent that the previous owner must not ha

You know, there are many people who are fans of a product who poke fun at that product. It doesn’t mean they are hating on that product, it just means they are joking around. I’ve met owners of British cars who happily joked about their reliability. I love my ‘66 Thunderbird, but I acknowledge that it has problems and

Dang. If only we could get stuff like that in America.

Man, I remember this one time when I forgot to grease my elbows before doing hard work. That was a disaster. The thing I was working on came out worse than before. Always use elbow grease.


I was raised in a household where “Porsch” and “Porsche” were used interchangeably, much the same way that you would use “Chevy” and “Chevrolet”. It was just a shortened way of saying the brand name. If you ask me, it should be okay to use both names interchangeably as long as you know the proper pronunciation of the

You need more stars, that looks awesome!

Except that in the French concept, I think the driver was supposed to sit in the elevated portion.

It seems to be a thing where you either get it or you don’t. Objectively speaking, those old VWs are not great cars. However, for those (like Torch and also me) who like their cars to be charming and interesting, Old VWs can be quite enjoyable, which makes them great. If, however, you do not see the appeal in having a