awesomeaustinv @

Ooh, what is it?

Sorry, poor choice of words. I am aware that Jews are still around.

You think Christians aren’t being discriminated against? Have you even been reading the comments on these articles? I’m not arguing that there aren’t other people being discriminated against or even that Christians are the most discriminated against minority. I’m just saying that a lot of people do discriminate

It doesn’t really say to judge anyone. It says that if someone in the church is sinning, you shouldn’t just act like it’s not happening, but it says that judging people is a sin. It basically says that God is the only one with the right to judge, because he’s the only one who actually knows everyone’s whole story, so

Lol, it kind of does.

I bought a ‘66 Thunderbird about a year ago and I’ve been driving it almost daily ever since. In fact, it is currently my only car. Sure, it’s not Honda-level reliable, the driver’s seatbelt only sometimes stays latched, it drinks more gasoline than I like to think about, and it stalls like crazy for the first couple

I agree with pretty much everything you just said, though the Islamic Terrorist thing I think is more a matter of people not realizing that there are two divisions of Muslims. The vast (as in extremely vast) majority are the peaceful kind, but there are those few who unfortunately give the rest a bad reputation.

Thing is, I was very skeptical before I became a Christian as my analytical brain found a lot of it weird. Then I experienced some deeply weird/incredible stuff and I just sort of knew that there’s a God. Obviously, I can’t prove that there is a God, and your journey to figuring out what you believe is your own, but

Not all of them are bad (trust me, I know), but I totally get where you’re coming from. I think most of the problem is that, as in any society, the worst ones are the ones who stand out the most. It also doesn’t help that many of the actually good Christians are afraid to admit that they are Christians because they

Actually, that was exactly what Jews believed. They were not supposed to marry outside their faith or tolerate other religions because whenever they did that, it inevitably led to sin and corruption, as there were a lot of messed-up religions at the time. Jesus spent lots of time with the lowest of the low in society,

Since when do Christians commit acts of terrorism? Are you talking about the KKK? If so, let me assure you that Christians who are not members of the KKK find those creeps to be just as horrifying as you do. If that’s not what you’re talking about, then you’re either wildly exaggerating something, or you’re talking

In the Old Testament, it said stuff like that, but in the New Testament Jesus said to love those people and pray for them. A lot of stuff in the Old Testament seems to have been a sort of phase before Jesus came, and there are certain things that people were supposed to do then that Jesus later told people not to do.

So true.

Meat is murder. Sweet, wonderful, delicious murder.

“AMC 1975"

It’s not hatred, it’s just saying that that is not something they believe in. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate people who aren’t Christians or people who don’t live the way the Bible says you should. It says to love them anyways and pray for them. Anyone who claims to be a Christian but acts like a jerk

I dare ya to find one and put a lift kit on it and make it your next Moab project. I frickin’ dare ya.

I was thinking the same thing.

I was thinking it would be something like a Volkswagen VR6 engine, but bigger.

Zero to sixty in the teens doesn’t bother me. I daily drive a ‘66 Thunderbird that did zero to sixty in 11 seconds when it was new, and it keeps up with traffic just fine. Besides, as they say, it’s more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow. Especially when said car has a manual. I can envision myself