awesomeaustinv @

“especially when you consider these tiny giant-slayers weigh just 620 kg—just about 1,3260 pounds.”

Do it.

I was just thinking that it’s very appropriate that today’s date is 4/26.

Ah. Guess I got whooshed. :)

So are you a DC comics fan or just a superhero hater in general?

I thought I’d have to wait two or three days, but nope. Wonderful quick Yugoness.

Stop. Just stop. If you don’t like certain kinds of foods, fine, but that doesn’t mean your tastes apply to everyone. It’s fine to like or dislike whatever foods you like or dislike for whatever reason, but don’t go acting like it’s wrong to like certain foods. It’s okay to like chocolate-covered fruit, pineapple

I don’t understand the whole pineapple pizza debate. Can’t we all just agree that different people have different tastes when it comes to food? Why do people feel the need to be offended when someone likes a food they don’t? I’ve nearly lost friends because they thought that the fact that I like pineapple pizza makes

I’ve been looking forward to this article.

My favorite vanity plates:

Darn you. My first thought after reading the title before the picture loaded was “Nooo, I haven’t seen the movie yet!”, and then I became one of the few people on earth who has ever looked at a Dodge Avenger with a feeling of relief. I actually kind of like the fact that the Avenger has styling that sort of resembles

Are you serious right now?

If you have a sore in your mouth, simply drive that truck through the river instead of over the bridge. Gurgeling salt water removes mouth sores. (note: depending on the river, you may have to add the salt yourself)

I wasn’t aware that this is a thing. It seems to me that the way to beat it is to carry chalk with you so that if you see a chalk mark on your tire, just draw over it with your own chalk to make yourself some whitewall tires. It’s more work than washing the chalk off, but it’s more fun to draw chalk whitewalls than to

No, the cars of the future must all be brightly colored and have fins and bubble domes and pointy parts that serve no purpose and are probably a safety hazard but look cool.

Bronco II II, or “tutu”.

What is this thing, you ask?

Man, I gotta get me a Citroen 2cv Dolly one of these days. And a Trabant. And a purple Multipla with a guy mooning the crowd in it.

We need more people to be saving these kinds of cars. I totally agree, there is something strangely fun about them. The quirks give them personality. They’re sort of like puppies with health problems. They may be expensive and inconvenient at times, but they’re also happy and fun and they feel like they want to play

The Renault LeCar has a slightly longer wheelbase on the right side than on the left side because of the rear suspension’s design.