awesomeaustinv @

If I was richer, I’d import and crash as many of these as it takes for me to be able to convert them to meet US regulations, and hopefully sell enough of them to break even. This is one of the few cars where I would gladly own both the original version and the modern one.

Well, only two close calls. (that I know of) Seriously, if that girl hadn’t heard our horn and looked up at the last second, we would’ve gotten into quite the nasty accident.

That’s not the Tesla that’s exploding. What happened is that the Tesla was doing a burnout and the ludicrous torque of the electric motors was so intense that it violently converted the tires from rubber to smoke to erupting flames in a very brief period of time, which unfortunately destroyed the car.

I have but one star to give, so I will give you this picture of a galaxy to show how many stars you deserve.

Ignore the haters! Press on!

Bruh, he literally used to design cooling systems for Jeep. That was his job before Jalopnik. He was most definitely a professional engineer.

I once saw something like this pass through my town. It wasn’t quite as long as that one, but it was a bit wider. It was pulled and pushed by the biggest, beefiest trucks I’ve ever seen. I remember being quite impressed.

Take these. All of them. You deserve it.

I dig it. If you look at it upside-down, it has a very happy face.

If you’ve already driven a 2cv, then I’d recommend getting the DS. That way, you’ll have a new experience instead of another example of an experience you’ve already had. (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just also fun to try new things) If you want to save money, you could look for a Citroen ID, which

You think it be like it be but it don’t.

I do not have a pitchfork, but after reading this post, I’m gonna. I’ll at least sharpen my rake or snow shovel or something.

...Except that they could also be had with big, powerful V8s. Darts from the late ‘60s, especially, were quite fast.

The secret to enjoying these movies is:

Everyone complains about Chevy wasting the Blazer name on a boring SUV, but I’m more frustrated with Dodge for wasting the Dart name on a forgettable car. Old Darts were cool respected muscle cars, and the new Dart was just kind of meh. If Dodge ever brings back the Dart, they should bring it back as a cheaper and

Actually, that was a myth. They had a fancy system in it that recycled the heat from the exhaust to make the engine more efficient. The result was that the exhaust was actually cooler than the exhaust of most normal cars when it exited the vehicle.

They even took it to France and ran it on perfume, once.

I’m finding it hard to decide whether I’d rather drive this or the Chrysler turbine car of the same era. I think I’d go with the turbine car, simply because its refills were not somewhat hazardous. The van is still cool, though.

Wrong. I once saw a Camaro that was given a complete chrome wrap. Not even colored chrome or anything, just chrome.

I believe I’ve nearly been killed twice by people who were on their phones while driving. In both cases, they veered into oncoming traffic and headed straight toward me, and only looked up at the last second, swerving back into their own lane. One was a teen girl in a ‘90s Ford Taurus and the other was some guy in a