awesomeaustinv @

Has everyone forgotten that compressed natural gas vehicles exist? You can convert pretty much any vehicle with an internal combustion engine to run on compressed natural gas (CNG), and the resulting vehicle will have nearly zero emissions. There are natural gas lines all over the place and there are companies that

Why haven’t you bought them already? You have a beetle and you are probably the world’s leading expert on indicator lights, so it seems only right that your beetle should have the rarest, most obscure Belgian Beetle blinkers money can buy. Don’t let us down. :(

I agree. I get that if you’re a confident man then there’s no reason to try to prove it by doing dumb stereotypical manly things, because that just means you desperately want the world to think you’re manly, which means you’re not confident in your manhood at all; but these outfits are so ridiculous that they

Forget about keying cars, next time someone displeases you by parking sideways across three spaces, just turn their paint into grey goo and scrape it off! (just kidding, don’t ever do that)

That reminds me of my remote-controlled baby stroller idea. 

I thought exactly the same thing! I was wondering for a while why they felt the need to make their little fake camping experience that realistic.

I love stuff like this. Old snow vehicles are just cool and interesting for reasons I can’t put my finger on. As for the music, I think they just play that music because they like that music, not because it has anything to do with the vehicles. There’s no point complaining about their music choices because it’s their

My inner 12 year-old giggled at that and now I am ashamed.

Dag freakin’ nabbit you’re right. But mine has fender skirts! That’s gotta count for something, right?

I agree. I’ve never been a fan of bro-dozers, but that thing is just so delightfully ridiculous and over-the-top that I kind of want one for the novelty.

I like the way you think! Although you’d have to sell the unused parts to bring the total back down to $500, or combine the remaining parts into a second Lemons car, although that might create extra work since you’d probably have to do a front suspension swap so one car could be rwd and the other could be fwd. I have

I know the Thunderbird is a good deal because I paid $500 more for my ‘66, which is in worse condition. According to Hagerty, both that Thunderbird and mine were a good deal. I’m going to justify paying $500 more because mine has telltale turn signal indicators, one of which works; which has to increase the price,

I don’t know if this counts, but I once tried to talk to a Chevy guy about the problems my Ford is having. He didn’t care that it’s 53 years old, unrestored, and just happens to still work; he mocked it anyway. And everyone around him laughed. Fierce brand loyalty sucks.

You bet your butter it is.

I remember back when I was a kid I would build (sort of) remote-controlled cars using lego motors connected to a remote with long wires. The steering consisted of one motor wired to another motor, which acted as a generator so you’d get proportional steering. Before I figured out polarity, I would frequently end up

This reminds me of something...

I’ve always thought motorsports should be in the Olympics. After all, a lot of motorsports are very physically demanding and require a ton of skill. It’s really no different than a lot of other Olympic events, it just has really expensive equipment. I always wondered why there were no motorsports in the Olympics, but

I’ve already read this article today, but I came back and re-read it because I just read the article about the racetrack and had to read something happy.

This is a good thing. I would have preferred if the platform was gas, but still, if it’s a platform that you can easily build a vast array of different cars on, then small companies can pop up and produce unique, interesting cars, which is always a good thing. I sure hope that this platform ends up being fun to drive,

I could buy a good, reliable, efficient daily driver and an epic weekend car for much less money. The I-pace is a bad deal.