awesomeaustinv @

At least on my computer screen, the model standing next to the TVR looks like Richard Hammond in a dress.

We should add this to the list of niche-market vehicles that could be based on Volkswagen’s new electric platform. 

I was gonna post that but you beat me to it :)

You really are. Keep up the good work!

I agree. It does sound extremely unlikely. However, every time I’ve read about it or heard people talk about the car, they say it’s super reliable even by modern standards. I have no personal experience with those cars, I’m just saying what I’ve heard many people say about it.


You’re all wrong. The correct answer is an early ‘60s Dodge Lancer wagon. They have personality oozing out of every pore and they look downright epic (at least if you ask me). They also get decent mileage (at least that’s what I’ve heard), are near Honda-level reliable, easy to fix, you can get it as a wagon so it

For some reason I found this article really funny and fascinating. I always thought that if the Michelin man didn’t turn black when all the other tires did, that must mean he’s racist. Also, those early Michelin men somehow both look hilarious and like the stuff of nightmares and I really really want a colossal

I know, right?

Sorry about causing you the pain and suffering of remembering that commercial.

Hey! The hair has gotten better. Except mine. I think my hair has a mind of its own. If you want to insult something, insult my hair so it will be humiliated and possibly become more agreeable when I try to style it.

See? See? When the worst members of a group get noticed, people assume everyone in that group is like that. It’s the circle of bad stereotypes. Also, your username is very accurate. Have you considered becoming a food critic? You’d be great.

Those aren’t the real Christians. Those are the people who claim to be a Christian so they can act like they are holier than thou, when in fact they are doing a whole lotta stuff that the Bible specifically says not to do. As I’ve said, most Christians (at least the ones I know) are great people, but some of them just

I know! If you’re a Christian and you put up a sign like that, all you’re going to do is make people hate Christians. It is literally the worst possible way to try to convert people.

Just like in any group, the worst ones stand out. All the Christians I know are great people, but any time a person who claims to be a Christian but doesn’t truly understand what that means does something stupid, people assume they’re all like that. Muslims get a bad reputation for the same reason. Most of them aren’t

To be honest, my only complaints with the fast and furious movies were that there was too much stupid fighting and not enough driving and car chases and stuff, and that they needlessly destroyed too many already rare classics. If they make the Hot Wheels movie like that with lots of cool driving and stunts and crazy

These aren’t that bad. The real worst billboards are the “Where are you going?” billboards with all the flames on them. Those drive me up the wall. If you want to convert people, telling them the equivalent of “Hey! Guess what! You’re going to HELL!!!!” is about the worst possible way to do it. News flash: If you use

I think at that point it would come down to personal preference. In my opinion, modern v8s still have a lot of personality and swapping one in still makes the car interesting. Me and a lot of other people like the sounds that internal combustion engines make and the experience of working on them and the many different

Those look like caricatures of sports cars from cartoons. I love them.

Ya know what? Hot Wheels was one of my favorite toys when I was little so yeah, this movie is an obvious cash grab, and yeah, it’s probably not going to be the greatest movie ever, but I think I’m just going to try and enjoy it anyways.