awesomeaustinv @

I can’t think of a reason why not to. In fact, I think it would be fun. I would totally rebadge a Chrysler minivan as a Lancia and try to join a Lancia club. I want to see if they would laugh at it or hate me.

...An extremely rare Volkswagen, because she wants to lure Jason Torchinsky to the dark side. (I have that magazine in real life and according to the article, the Volkswagen gt could be ordered fully assembled or as a kit making it sort of a production car)

The price is ridiculous, but the vintage wheels are just lovely. I wish modern go-karts had wheels that pretty.

If I had that much money to spend and a place to put it, I would seriously consider buying it right now. I like Citroens and that one looks awesome!

It looks lower and wider than most SUVs, so I want to know how good it is at rally racing.

Me: I’ve been thinking about ways to build a car with two engines.

Wait, that sign means slippery when wet? My driving instructor told me it means “twisty road ahead”.

Brain fart. just realized someone already posted that.

I’m not a huge fan of modern cars, but I have to admit that the newer mustangs are very pretty and they make me happy when I see them.

I don’t care for most of these, but the “FORD” and “DORA THE” plates made me quite happy.

If the ad says anything along the lines of “ WHITE MAN HOLY LAMB BLOOD”, then you should probably be concerned.

Whoa! Where did they take inspiration from, Megatron’s bowels!?!?

Wow, even when it comes to instrument clusters Miatas are always the answer!

My 66 Thunderbird’s gauge cluster is just the right amount of space age. (the picture isn’t of mine, but it’s basically the same)

I love wagons, but that is a malaise era wagon. Malaise wagons made my father hate all wagons, and for that I can never forgive them. I voted nice price because someone will enjoy the crap out of this for that price, but I could never buy that.

What exactly do you mean by “if you count Idaho”? What are you implying? 

I loathe that movie for the exact reason you described. The DS is one of my all-time favorite cars, and to see it take the form of a quirky and silly french transformer filled my heart with joy. I literally thought that that one character would be that movie’s salvation, the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal

I have gotten into many a fierce argument with my dad about station wagons. I argue that wagons are like cars with more practicality and a cool unusual body style. My dad argues that the station wagons he grew up with (aka malaise-era crapmobiles) were ugly and terrible and embarrassing and therefore all wagons are


I once saw an old teen romance movie from the ‘80s which followed the usual formula of guy loves girl who leaves him and he tries to win her back by teaming up with a different girl who he ends up falling in love with instead. In the movie, the guy bonded with girl number two by restoring a ‘67 (I think) Camaro in ONE