Andy Welfle

Interesting! Thanks for that info.

Love this! It reminds me of a post I wrote after scientists discovered that Triceratops never existed, and that they were a adolescent form of Torosaurus.

What's cool is that if you use, they send you a band and cardboard insert to go along with your debit card. It's pretty cool.

A very quick correction: The app works with Gmail addresses, and Google Apps addresses. (which are, of course, run by Gmail). I thought it was the former at first, which broke my heart because all of the email addresses I use are GApps. Imagine my thrill when I realized I'd be able to hook them up to GApps addresses!

I did. And like all the other internet douches out there, I wrote a blog post about it: Of course, by conspicuous non-consumption of media, my privilege is showing.

Line sitting is the new Flagpole sitting.

I don't believe this was the FIRST disposable French press — There's a coffeeshop in Front Royal, VA that serves coffee in this: