Andy Welfle

Man. I love those reporter's notepads. When I interned at a newspaper in college, I took a brick of them from the supply cabinet, and now, 12 years later, I've managed to work through them. I never thought about getting more on Amazon!

Love this! We're big fans of Ryan at the agency I work at, and he in fact inspired us to go to a four-day work week in 2013. We're still doing it (well, most of us), and it's great. I love having Fridays off. Ryan's definitely a visionary here. Also: Treehouse is way awesome. I'ma have to pitch something like Convoy

Oooh. I like these.

Uni-ball Vision in Evergreen

YES! I stole a couple of these off of the counter at the post office once! Great pen. (Hope I didn't commit a federal crime...)

Just did it!

Proposed subtitle:

Right on! I wrote a thing on Medium about this very topic earlier this year: You are not a brand — you are a person. I'm glad to see something to this effect hit Lifehacker, which can sometimes showcase people in the other camp, who are promoting their "personal brand".

In truth, there’s very little I can’t live without. That way I’m not devastated when something gets lost or broken or deprecated. My notes and work are (mostly!) backed-up in various ways and places. Any tool I use can be substituted by something else. I love my laptop and my 3-ring binder and the little

John Roderick of The Long Winters.

I enjoy the Apple Reminders app very much. I would have forgotten to do this unless it had hounded me over and over.

I have tried for years to build some kind of regular daily schedule in my life, but it is impossible. In September, for example, I spent a week writing for and appearing on The Daily Show, recorded four episodes of my Judge John Hodgman podcast, spent three days on the road, and four days on the Caribbean Sea doing

That tip protector thing is really cool, John! I may have to try it; I'm always losing my [store-bought] tip protector. How did you make it?

I love those! Especially the soft, rubbery grip. Have you noticed that the ferrule (the metal thing holding the eraser to the barrel) comes off easily, though? I'm guessing the triangular shape makes it hard to stay on.

I love those! Especially the soft, rubbery grip. Have you noticed that the ferrule (the metal thing holding the eraser to the barrel) comes off easily, though? I'm guessing the triangular shape makes it hard to stay on.

I love the Palomino Blackwings, too, but the best performance for the money is the Palomino Golden Bear, by the same manufacturer, California Cedar. They perform pretty solidly, slightly better than a Dixon Ticonderoga, I'd say, and they're less than $3 per dozen. And they're gorgeous — look at this blue with an

I love me some "Related Articles", but brother — the sheer number of them in this post made it hard to follow the otherwise really interesting content.

I almost posted, "In b4 Tobias", but I see you're too quick for me. :D