
I’d probably go so far as to say my abortion HELPED my mental health. Being pregnant was a physical burden and an emotional one because the pregnancy was unwanted. It also led me to start taking hormonal birth control pills, which have helped my depression tremendously.

absolutely right. abortion did change me. It gave me a huge sense of relief and happiness that my life would not be negatively impacted by having to have a child all alone (esp since the father insisted “its not mine”.) My legal right. My legal choice. No issues. changed for the better!

Your risk of dying from a legal abortion is statistically zero, no matter what method you choose; the most recent numbers I can find on maternal death in childbirth is something like 24 per 100,000 live births in 2014, so, yeah, birth is more dangerous, even if it’s still not that dangerous. Maternal death rates are

STFU, you anti-woman, anti-science, right wing asshole.