Earlier this week a man named Justin took a gal named Lisette out for a date in Washington, DC and the couple fell…
Faux fur is uglier, has an inferior texture, and is made of petrochemicals and is not biodegradable.
Just your run of the mill 89 year old sexpot who claims that she was a contract player in Hollywood and slept her way to the middle. With a purple Cadillac and a purple house and a purple poodle and a preference for purple satin bras that show off the boob job she got in her 70's.
This is such an unbelievably shitty, rude, bad-faith comment, but let’s outline some of the ways that it’s shitty:
I know I should listen to this (don’t underestimate the opposition, know your enemy and all that) but I just can’t, and no amount of alcohol could make it tolerable. I’ll have to rely on others who have less of a gag reflex to facile lies to report on what came out of this buffoon’s mouth.
Your gossip is welcome here.
God’s grace.
More and better Top Chef, pls.
A “sick” polar bear?! Does he mean a depressed one, maybe? A polar bear that’s starting to lose its fur? A polar bear with a head cold?