
Crafty lawyers. Somehow they've locked two giant, profit-rich companies into a perpetual legal battle, and are just skimming off some of the companies profits straight into their own pockets. To Apple and Samsung: Quit being the middlemen in this cycle, take that river of cash from into the lawyers banks and divert it

Your writing this in the Internet (an invention by physicists, at CERN), on a computer - reliant on semiconductor transistors (invented by physicists) now with dimensions of about 30nm which number in the millions per micro controller, think about that process. Semiconductor engineering has its roots in quantum

IMO, finish the research - publish a vaccine, or a basic idea/approach to one along with this. I think most of the concern is leaving the research completely open ended without any insight into how to handle it properly.

"please provide some evidence for your claims and not just rampant speculation"

There's no point to this. It's very hard to define any measure to say how good somebody is at a subject if you pick a subject so broad as 'Math'. It might be easier to study the finer, more interesting structure of the subjects which make up 'Math', like geometry, calculus, algebra etc. Something random was picked,

sadly no, Myth of the Flat Earth -

this century yes, last century not so much (the speed of light has only thought to be constant for about a century now). We don't often have to relearn anything, we improve the accuracy of what we know and decrease our ignorace of how the universe works, one step at a time.

bad astronomy assumes the source of error is in the timing, which is the first thing everybody did, just like the experimentalist themselves. This is explained all in their paper (which needs to be read more widely than secondary accounts of it are).

hmmm how old are you? why do you say that? less than 100 years ago we saw the introduction of quantum mechanics and realtivity, two wildly new theories. Today, we syncronize our clocks in space and dispute patents for touchscreen supercomputers.

which is sad, because previously, as far as I heard, the company advertised Siri was going to be available cross platform, until they were bought by Apple, then it became hardware dependent.

Awesome! come to Android Siri, you know you want too. You're so not tied to hardware, you used to be an app! also, why the 'beta' tag on the apple site?

that would still be a problem for either choice of technology

I've always wondered if this day would come too, but now has 4G LTE not surpassed Wi-Fi technology? Wifi would still require a subscription to a provider. Now we get wifi-like throughput with cell towers. That's pretty nice. Next is only for the carriers to drop calls (and ridiculous sms rates! urgh) and convert to

shining pulsed lasers scanning an image into the public scares me too. I will wear my sunglasses at night.


no offence, but I think your butt would likely polish any coating off the seat.


clockwise & very slowly! wierd. Larry Page is some kind of attractor/black hole

edit: deleted, already mentioned elsewhere in comments.

Is being the 'man behind iTunes' a good thing?