
Do you have an explanation why Scandinavian countries constantly come out on top of world happiness/well being rankings? Or are you just gonna call it fake news.

No, it didn’t. I doubt Mitch McConnell has played a video game in his entire life.

I’m sure the fact that Communism is an unavoidable consequence of socialist policies will come as a great surprise the many, many socialist-but-not-communist countries in the world today.

1) 20 years ago is not “not all that long ago.”
2) So you voted for Bush. Uncensored games are cool and all, but I would have preferred the hundreds of thousands of people not dying in his wars, and having the $6.4T we flushed down the toilet in that region since 2001 would be great, too. But... yeah. Doom Eternal and

Meanwhile, they have nothing to say about Sen. Mitch McConnell’s entry into the online version of Street Fighter II, where he played for 10 minutes as Dhalsim, where he backed into a corner and spammed weak-punch, before a loss to a character playing Ryu resulted in McConnell demanding to be allowed to play as Sagat

Bro, she’s a freshman member of congress. If she’s done more to hurt your wallet than the president has to help it, maybe he’s not the big strong leader you think he is.

There’s no difference for people like him. They mean literally the same thing.

Someone should warn Scandinavia! Oh wait, this just in: most Scandinavian countries are routinely voted the best places to live in the world? That can’t be right, since socialist policy only destroys...wait a minute! It’s almost like you don’t actually know what you’re talking about!

Wow, man. I mean, personally I’d actually educate myself on things before talking about them, lest I expose my ignorance for all to see, but hey. You do you.

“Socialist policy has never created a thing”

Then what are all those police departments and fire departments doing? How are you receiving your mail? Who is paving your roads? Who’s collecting your garbage? 

It looks like she stole your penis too. It’s completely gone.

Ah yes the divisive political issue of *checks notes* a politician liking a video game

Show me on the Tom Nook where she hurt you.

How does she manage to get even more amazing and beautiful every time I see her? 

Don’t forget her take on Smash:

Good thing no one gives a shit about you or your opinions. You can feel free to continue living alone without fear of interaction with any woman, let alone someone as important as AOC.

She's a good one. 

Fortunately there are plenty of game sites that don’t ever delve into politics. Like a never ending supply of them. Why not go there instead of aggravating yourself here where we enjoy this sort of thing. 

You’ve been duped bud. Unless you’re rich or a racist, you have nothing to fear from AoC, despite what fox hammers down your throat. 

Here for the tears of the basement-dwellers having (what amounts to) their solace broken. :D