Retro: Luther Vandross, A House Is Not a Home.
Retro: Luther Vandross, A House Is Not a Home.
From a similar era to most of these, I would have to add the R.E.M. Night Swimming for melancholy night driving. Not so much for stewing as for a vague sense of loss.
I love dogs, but the whole dog kisses thing is so disgusting to me. My dog spends her day licking her butt and eating cat poop (over my objections!). The last thing I want is for her to “kiss” me. Or a baby.
I know, that’s exactly what I took away from this—you mean I was supposed to tip at Chipotle? Why? Does that mean I also tip at Subway? I’m very confused, although I think I understand that headline:
I love that people are defending her. It doesn’t matter if they were assholes or not, saying what she said makes you human fucking scum.
I dont care where it is....treating someone doing their job like that is completely uncalled for....and she makes herself into a complete jackass
All this “I’ll vote for her but I’m ambivalent” bullshit needs to stop. If you’re not behind her 100%, then go find another viable Dem candidate and get behind him/her all the way.
This is so right it hurts.
Well technically Geraldine Ferraro was the first possible female VP what with her being on the ticket in 1984 with Walter Mondale but yeah.
I think she already is.
I like her - a lot - and I’m not freaking out. None of this is news, and none of it is insurmountable.
Nah. You were too generous. She doesn’t care about all white women.
Could be another example of Megyn Kelly caring about issues that directly affect Megyn Kelly....
I’m glad for this post because this is how I’ve been feeling. The bill enraged me. I wrote letters before to members of the Indiana General Assembly. I wrote them after. I have defended my homestate over many days. I feel like right now if I’m not defending my cubs, I’m defending my homestate :/ It’s exhausting. I’d…
I grew up in a faceless, boring suburb, and it took me a long time to appreciate it. Not like it, but appreciate it. My parents never came out and said that they grew up poor. They just made it sound like there weren’t as many things to buy back then, but the fact is, they were poor.
‘It’s also very wealthy, which means the people are very smart.’
THANK YOU! I’m Mexican. I live in the south. What southern friendliness is every southerner talking about? People treated me much better in the northeast!! Much much better!!
Having grown up mixed-race in the South, I have come to suspect that the Southern Friendliness (tm) that people sometimes refer to is really an outgrowth of that small-minded tribalism you mentioned. People in the South can be very welcoming toward strangers but only as long as they’re the right color. If they’re a…
If idiot bigoted clueless pizza shop owners can become millionaires through donations from their kind, I think a crowdfunded proper Lucy statue should be a cinch.