I used to date a Karla De Los Angeles back in college. Well, maybe not "date" and her name was actually Karla de la Block, but still.
I used to date a Karla De Los Angeles back in college. Well, maybe not "date" and her name was actually Karla de la Block, but still.
Isn't Judd Apatow always kind of a loudmouth on Twitter? I don't want people to forget about Cosby, but I definitely think Kenya has some good points (I.e. Many other issues to focus on in addition to Cosby)
It says right in her last note that it's a suicide note. Her walking in front of that truck was not an accident, like her mother said. They're ignoring everything she wrote, just like they did in life. Goddamnit.
They didn't "lose" their kid. She did not die of cancer or get snatched up by a child molester. They drove her to suicide.
I know this isn't popular around the parts, but if a film is associated with james Franco, Judd apatow or Seth rogen, I will avoid it at all costs.
Just love your kids.
The point is that there exists a double standard where people focus more on black criminals compared to white criminals and Kenya is pointing that out. Why hasn't Judd Appatow criticized Woody Allen? Why do people have no problem talking shit about Chris Brown but say little to nothing about Charlie Sheen? Being a…
In response to a recent post on Jezebel (I think it was Tweet Beat) lots of people in the comments were wondering why Judd Apatow hasn't been calling out Woody Allen. On the face of it, both cases are similar in that neither Allen nor Cosby have been charged with the allegations, so what's the difference? Why all…
Actually, it'd be worse to be a Jehovah's Witness vampire. Imagine, you have a hard enough time convincing people to invite you in... but you're a Jehovah's Witness bearing Watchtowers to boot.
Annie: Ah well, you shouldn't be eating bacon anyway, should you — you're Jewish.
That's downright spooky, scary. But that's what happens when boys become men. Men gotta become wolves.
he becomes a werewolf after his 13th birthday? So Werewolf Bar Mitzvah spoke the truth?
Can we please stop with these kinds of articles?
Only thing more out of style than SeaWorld is Ryan Lochte.
Anyone who takes their family to Sea World after Blackfish should be violently kidnapped and separated forever from their loved ones and everything they know, kept in a tiny holding cell, and forced to perform unnatural physical tasks for the entertainment of another species.
This is so stupid. Nobody "deserves respect" simply for joining the military. Millions of people join the military because they have no other options. The military is just as full of horrible douchebags, evil psychopaths, and rotten humans as the grocery store down the street, and nobody deserves my respect simply for…
It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't bragged about it so much. It seemed to be more of a humble-brag post about how churchy and "spiritual" the parents are, than about the kids.
My kids have way too much shit. They don't play with most of it and I'm tired of picking it up. I bought them a few things and that was it. My husband and I usually stick to our budget, but this year we pared that shit right down. My kids know from the jump that they are not getting zillion dollar game consoles and…
So, basically, almost exactly, the George Carlin "Stuff" bit?
At least it didn't happen in Tennessee. The deceased would be tried and imprisoned.