
Yeah, plus I’m guessing Dr. Smart Guy, who seems to know quite a lot about how to skirt hunting loopholes and such, likely as not also has a knack for hiring only the most well let’s say “creative” people to work in his billing office submitting insurance claims.

They turn up on eBay occasionally. Wish I still had all mine.

All latecomers to the game. The first and best: short-fingered vulgarian.

Possibly, if she took a settlement. I don’t think anybody questions whether there are benefits to not going that route (the ‘benefits’ are presumably why she did not go that route).

Yeah she kinda lost my sympathy with the “sit for a deposition? can’t be bothered” bit. The idiots she dealt with are probably glad she left as “quietly” as she did. Sure she vented on social media, but who doesn’t? This crap happens so often that unfortunately I think people, even ones who consider themselves

Is this what some people call “ASMR”? Some people say they have such a response to whispering, or certain kinds of sounds (not just music). There are tons of videos on youtube labeled “ASMR” with people doing all sorts of mostly mundane things that apparently evoke this type of extreme physical sensation. Fascinating.

I confess to not being fluent in Twitterese but if the time stamps on their tweets are correct, his “bitch” tweet was posted the day *before* her histrionics. Obviously they were presented here in reverse order.

I enjoy gallows humor as much as the next semi-twisted individual, but there are actual laws against mishandling or violating a corpse. Verbal “jokes” are one thing but I dunno, to me this crosses a line into blatant disrespect and too deep into “look at me look at me look how clever I am”.

I figured he was making that face to make fun of people trying to look a certain way in their selfies, but either way you are so right and it’s terrifying!

Agree. Also, wonder if someone who lives near JFK (or other major airports) saw this and rushed out to find the book(s) he signed and put them on eBay. Not that I’d ever do such a thing.

Have always thought she resembled Eleanor Roosevelt. About father, agreed with everyone saying it’s Bill, DNA or no DNA.

“I respect the stand that they have made, but I ask them to respect the stand that I’m trying to make,” Davis said.

The gofundme has been removed as of now.

This is all the more pertinent since Jindal often sounds like Kenneth-the-page.

Not a churchgoer, but I definitely care. I get some people are hesitant to “rush to judgment” or whatever in naming these fires arson or racist acts of terrorism. I got no problem with being accused of “rushing to judgment” when I say yeah pretty sure these are intentionally set fires meant to terrorize and make race

Greta Gerwig. Ugh.

Agree. Maybe she just doesn’t listen very well so it sailed right past her, but to me it was telling that a question beginning like this: “In terms of the racist jokes, ...” didn’t prompt her to say “Wait a minute, the jokes are about race but they are not RACIST.”

Since I made the previous comment I’ve seen a video clip of the local news talking to the woman whose yard it is. Tempting though it is to comment at length on the clip, I’ll keep the majority of my impressions to myself and say simply: she didn’t seem very credible to me.

I’ve heard many people throughout my life say Reese-ies and it drives me nuts. It is absolutely a real thing. A real real annoying thing.