
These people seem to have forgotten the story of the woman and the flood. She sits atop her house, and every time a rescuer passes, she refuses, saying "God will save me." After the third rescuer passes, she drowns, and when she gets to Heaven, she asks God why he didn't save her. He says "I sent three people, what

Public Service Announcement: Gardasil has been shown to drastically reduce your risk of cervical cancer, throat cancer, anal cancer and penile cancer. Want to know what the treatment for penile cancer is, fellas? They cut it off.
It's covered by insurance, if you have it, and if you don't, there's rebates and

Diphtheria has made a comeback as well in Venezuela.

This is a false premise. Preventing a disease (especially considering that it only costs pennies) is wildly preferable to curing it once it's already ravaged a person. I know a little girl with SMA (the tiny person version of ALS, except it gets no attention whatsover). If her parents could've chosen between a

I've come to the oddly unsettling realization that while I prefer the Joel years, the Jonah theme song is far and away my favorite. I think it's the horn section.
I like the reboot more than most, I guess. I think when the dust settles and people reassess, maybe three or four will go down as classics, which is all you

this is almost word salad.

You jest, but I'm oddly pleased to report that there's a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Undead out there.

I'm really exhausted with all of this, so I'm just going to go watch Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead now.

It'll just be Maggie Smith's character, somehow still alive, gloating about Brexit.

I don't understand why that's not retroactive. I was looking forward to being able to watch the MCU whenever I felt like it (I've missed about half of them now), but for some reason the only one available is Civil War. It's not the end of the world, of course, it just strikes me as a really odd licensing deal.

It sounds like maybe it could've been worked in more organically, though, if the site was brought up when dr cayd yaygah was searching for used auto parts and autobots.

A Chinese used car auction site managed to get product placement? I understand that these are marketed to Chinese audiences, but I'd have imagined alibaba or some other other large company would've gotten placement, not a used car auction site. What the hell?

Well, I once said I'd share menagerie stores at the drop of a hat, and this seems to be the place.
I live on 5 acres and have had about 17 cats in the last 6ish years. Currently we're at 9.

holy shit, go fuck yourself.

Shit floats.

Yeah, I've recently figured out that I'm highly likely to be on the spectrum. I check off virtually every box except for naivete/doesn't understand lying, but because I'm female, despite the fact that I've been seeing psychiatrists and psychologists since I was six no one caught it.

Apparently about 5,000 PG&E customers in Fresno lost power. I've been running my AC constantly just to keep it to 79, I can't imagine not having power. US 50 melted in one spot, sidewalks are buckling, and it'll only get worse.
I'm going back to sleep.

Hey, did you lose power? I seem to recall you being in Fresno.

I know, it's got me Babashoo - (gets pulled offstage)

There's a strong enough resemblance between Ivanka and Illythia that I think we can consider her children to be the product of illicit, tawdry nights with a rain-bringing gladiator, both of them painted gold and silver and wearing the masks of Diana and Apollo.