Actually, I am a Robot

Trump wants people to think he’s so virile he can fuck a porn star, so they paid her $130k to “deny” an event that never occurred.

Those people should stop focusing on being victims and live their lives. It’s an obsession.

ugh. Save your masturbatory fantasies for your own website.

I wish this had more stars, because those steps are exactly right.

It’s not about feeling safe - it’s about feeling powerful. People who conceal-carry are looking for trouble. 

Plus the book is fucking weird and doesn’t really describe people like we are used to. Getting upset over this is a waste of people’s time.

Then you would only need six to eight teams in the league.

Yet another reason to contract the number of regular season games. If 1/3 of the league is actively trying to lose each night, why bother pretending 82 games are meaningful.

I never though grown adults could or would just openly lie so much. It’s kind of eye opening.

I was at a party for a group of parents without kids the other night and it was literally all we talked about when we weren’t playing Cranium.

How about don’t do it because we don’t need everyone registered as a Democrat or Independent being rounded up and shot in hand dug trenches. Yes I am being dramatic.

Scene: Outdoors, lonely wind-swept street.

NHL ‘94 teams? Jesus, I would be soooo into that.

Nah, c’mon. You both put up red sweaters. ITS OBVIOUSLY SWEDEN. No team or franchise of note is even close to those colors.

I can just barely remember a 2 week period back in the aughts when I liked OAR.

My guess is that the small practice balls are to help with forming and evaluating a symmetrical shot out of the hand. If the ball is small, it will be quickly apparent if it’s not coming out of the hand correctly. Larger balls would mask that motion.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.

Must keep the rage-meter pinned. It pays the bills.

Good points. I’d also like to see some data on when people get married vs. length too (i.e., at what age). My suspicion is that people who married “young” or “old” would have shorter marriages than let’s just say people who married at 25-35. I’m just guessing, but people I know who “reached” to get married because all

Great point, and I know from first-hand experience. I haven’t talked to my brother or his wife since we had FB beef right after the election. Everyone is different, and you may have “better/stronger” relationships than I do, because I have no issues dissolving them over political disagreements. I cannot be pleasant