Donald Trump Memorial Mausoleum? Burying him under the Hudson would be perfect. The sooner the better.
Donald Trump Memorial Mausoleum? Burying him under the Hudson would be perfect. The sooner the better.
I say this as an erstwhile Republican, but Republicans and Trump supporters have lost the right to ever say “tax and spend” again. They have ignored the debt for so long (and don’t even really pay lip service to it anymore), that when the economy collapses in 2035 because interest on the debt requires 65% of the…
How about we leave it to science rather than whatever your preconceived notions are? Nicotine and tobacco are not the same thing. Modern studies no longer use smoking as a proxy for nicotine ingestion.
Yeah, it’s a racial issue.
Riiight. Because if you’re in favor of players getting paid, you should be in favor of a system where there are no regulations, where players are exploited by street agents, where big business (lawyers and agents) takes advantage of them instead of the universities, and where organized crime is almost certainly…
Fuk u. Do me.
who need to be told what ying and yang are
I think the Cubs would gladly give Arrieta or Darvish $30 million/year for 3 years. They just don’t want to get stuck for 5 years.
Girl Scouts have been selling outside of Colorado dispensaries for years. I don’t know if that’s also been “illegal” or if there are separate rules in separate regions.
Not if the Broncos sign Kirk Cousins they don’t.
I’m not a Starbucks’ apologist, but Dunkin’ Donuts coffee is really not good. I know all you New Englanders swear by it, but it’s just Stockholm Syndrome.
While it’s not truly consolation, it will only be a matter of years until there is AI-produced porn of every remotely famous person on the planet. It will extend shortly thereafter to virtually everyone who has a social media presence. The consequence will be that anything “salacious” will automatically be assumed to…
The jokes don’t really bother me; it’s how humans like to deal with tragedy.
Yes. Second cousin=cousin. It has it there right in the name. Just becuase someone isn’t a first cousin doesn’t mean they’re not your cousin.
Your cousin’s son—also known as your cousin.
It’s not at all being prude. It’s an entirely different scenario if she was never in the sex work business before, there was an understanding that they were monogamous, the one parter objects, and there are kids who don’t know about it.
It’s not cheating if it’s her job. If he doesn’t like it he can leave or she can quit if she wants to. Sex work is work
Which is certainly ironic since probably 1/3 of them are originally from Hicksville or Ronkonkoma or Hempstead.
Not non-obvious. Bread has been baked in cans for 100+ years.
My only memories of PanAm are lots of smoke. Lots and lots of cigarettes being consumed on any trans-Antlantic flight. At the end, they were very poorly kept up planes.