So I guess the other three want to do #3 for $$$s and Kim doesn’t want to be associated with another embarrassing, poorly reviewed film.
So I guess the other three want to do #3 for $$$s and Kim doesn’t want to be associated with another embarrassing, poorly reviewed film.
Considering the way Vikings fans are chewed up and spit out year after year, maybe you should spell it Skoaldiers.
“it doesn’t really make sense to pay Cousins $35 million a year just to win 7 games instead of 4 for the next two years until #1 Draft Pick is ready.”
What I’m seeing is that a man in the late 60s-early 70s tried to talk a girl into a hot tub and maybe leered at an attractive employee. For that time period, that’s not really that bad. I see no allegations that he forced women to do things, or ruined careers.
Oh for God’s sake, this has ventured into Scarlet Letter territory now. The man absolutely deserved to be honored and the GDC is spineless for giving into yet another Twitter mob #outrageoftheday.
Greatest QB? As much as I hate to admit it, maybe. Greatest ATHLETE? Not a chance. Not close.
The real story here is whether or not RGIII saw his own shadow when he popped out of his hole.
Hello Patrick,
Sounds like your grandmother was... Sam wise.
What’s with Lifehacker having article titles everyday starting with “Don’t...”
Seems like it’s becoming more like Lifeboss or Lifeparent.
A very significant number of countries have the drinking age at 16 for beer (some for anything). 18 for other things, while some countries are all at 18. Some countries don’t enforce a drinking age at all apparently (China).
Hopefully now you guys have a better understanding of why I broke up with her.
Yes the eastern seaboard would work but you would need to eminent domain a lot of different expensive land areas to get the track straight enough to run fast. The most passengers the Eurostar took was 9.1 million in 2008 between two cities the size of LA that was much more dense. Eurostar even lowered their prices to…
Bingo, but you can’t really explain this to people that turn to Europe to pray 3 times a day......”you’re sooooooooooo sophisticated.............weeeeeeeeeee wish we were just like yoooooooooooo......Euuuuuurope.......Euuuuuurope.....Ohmmmm”
There is no direct issue with their understanding, because American prisons have no defined purpose (except slavery and profit generators). Is he going to prison for punishment? Due to the heinous nature of his crime I have no problem with vigilante justice behind the walls. Is he going for rehabilitation? Then he…
The door was opened for scammers like this preying on the poor by usury regulations. If you wanted to run a non-profit to cheaply provide people who legitimately need short term loans, you would still have to charge enough to cover your costs of writing the loan (paying employees to take, review applications, follow…
I heard on a podcast that a guy and a group of his work buddies would go to the theater at lunch, buy a ticket, and head back. They were doing it to build up reward points with the theater chain. I’m guessing the new rule is to curb that.
His wife toughened his prefrontal cortex
His dad really started to slack on coaching a while back.
Tiger fucked a lot of chicks and got thrown out of his house, that’s what happened to that.