Awake Canadian

The problem is the new generation of politically correct gamers, who are spoiled, must have everything for nothing, and have this “gimme gimme gimme” attitude.

Sorry you are wrong, PS3 outsold Xbox even with its full year headstart. Im not sure where you’re getting your numbers from, but a simple google search shows articles on it. Sony has came out on top every generation it has entered in. You bringing up how many more PS3's over PS2's, or X360's over Xbox's has zero merit

Outside of pricing the PS3 at $600, when have they truly crashed? The PS3 outsold the 360 despite having 1 less year on the market, a significantly higher price tag, and the online debacle. They have yet to have a “bad” generation.

well you dont need to go that far, there is no Xbox version of FFXIV because ms didnt want cross play with ps4.

Just remember, iirc Sony did try to get Microsoft to allow crossplay last generation and microsoft told them to eff off. :/

They turned the PS4 controller into a X1 gamepad? The position of that d-pad is not comfortable at all.

“She was asked to leave because she is a willing participant in the traumatization, dehumanization, and victimization of black and brown people, including children, seeking asylum in the United States.”

You poor saps. You want civil war? You may just get it and you’ll find yourself against not only the law enforcement, but also against the military, veterans and many people who do not post idiocy on the web but are disciplined, armed and determined to suppress this naked attempt to overthrow democracy and institute

Well that was a long read. Also, dangerously close to incitement to violence. Be careful, OP. That’s not a threat-honestly be careful. Your typical ignorance is fine-anyone who knows how to think critically can quickly evolve past your juvenile perspectives. But most people don’t and you are likely agitating them.


Every day, you assholes are making me defend Trump and I hate you for that.

Ahh yes, the desperation from the Left builds and builds. Burning down shit, throwing people out of restaurants, and screaming at people while you call them names is NOT a way to get people to your cause. But that’s saying that the Left even has any ideas or principles other than take take take and take some more.

Ah, good ol’ HamNo...

Those Democratic socialists, creating more Republicans with every tantrum they throw :)

I mean, I hate Trump and all this bullshit, but that was assault.

The least we can do is make their lives inconvenient.

Thanks for the article and video showing just how juvenile and ignorant these Socialists are. You have convinced me to get off the fence and support Ms. Nielson and Donald Trump. I will spread the word.

As I read your article and start reading down through the comments I begin to realize something... something very scary... you folks are as racist as any white person I’ve ever met. But instead of being racist towards blacks, you are racist towards whites.

Racist title from an admittedly racist author. And how pathetic that you alter the titles when you post to Twitter because you know they’ll take your hate speech down if you don’t.

Yeah, you can go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit. Why would any self-respecting white person listen to anything you have to say after calling their entire race cowards? Then you use the racial slur ‘whypipo’ openly on the internet why bitching and moaning about people saying nigger behind close doors.

Oh Michael, your hatred and racism are just so charming. If it wasn’t for the white people you loathe so much, slavery would still be an institution today. Google William Wilberforce and the West African fleet/blockade. And always remember, when the Portuguese arrived in Africa in the 1500s, they bought their slaves