Awake Canadian

There has yet to be a “peaceful protest” not sure what news channel you are watching. I do believe you and the staff there need to keep politics off your blog, you are not intelligent enough for it. You ignore or block or grey out people who oppose anything you do, it’s no wonder who you side with.

How much is Blizzard paying you to put out 7-12 Overwatch articles a week?

Yup, this is how journalism works around here, find some buffoon in the comments who will be your next “undisclosed source”.

I bet this going to be the next anti-Trump topic too yea?.

Worst journalists on the planet are on the Kinja network I swear. You people are pathetic.

And so grows the leftist hate mongering bubble. Yes everyone, spam call your representatives, that is going to help a lot. Sad.

You dummies realize you wanted to vote Hillary Clinton into office right? Who has PROVEN criminal activity in her ledger. Who accepted 100+ Million dollars for speeches from foreign nations.

The problem is there are too many people spewing nonsense, like you, trying so hard to defend the left.

- Hillary Clinton’s Campaign released the Obama in Muslim Dress photo that started the birther thing (FACT)
- People running for president DO NOT have to release tax information (FACT)
- Why should Melania Trump show

Sorry to break you’re leftist bubble, but nobody went to the polls to vote popularity. And I know you Americans are dumb but, atleast learn how your own Electoral Collage works.

Fuck that company and their opinions. Stick to making games and keep your fucking opinions about politics out of it. It’s a temporary ban that does not single out any specific religious group. Stop being fucking children and PAY ATTENTION to what is going on. The world is not the safe haven that all of you misguided

All the liberal left is is empty words, are you kidding me. You like and follow fake news and get brainwashed by MSM soundbites. You might want to go look up some of Obama’s promises and stats, he is one if the worst presidents in history.

The amount of pure comedy gold in this post is great. You’re seeking the truth hahaha. You have video evidence hahahahahaa.

Not really, just in your bubble of social media

You are 100% accurate.

Why are people calling it a Muslim ban? He didn’t ban all predominantly Muslim countries.

You liberals b*tch whine and protest to let them in, then you b*tch whine and cry when they do terrorist acts. Do me a favor, go to one of their countries, away from those safe areas and see how well you get treated. And if you make it back, post a reply. With a name like HotforLogic you sure are missing a lot of it.

Big surprise, a left biased organization wants your money, seems that is all the liberals want to do is take money from you but you are to blind to notice it.

So how are the stock markets doing again? oh right lets not mention that.

You liberals are such a pathetic bunch, Hollywood is controlling the minds of you weak people.

Obama used 85 million tax payer dollars on vacations while in office. What a great President he was........

Yea its crazy when a real President does what he says he would do. In 7 days, he has done more then past Presidents have their entire terms.

My god Luke, you guys sold out to Blizzard HARD huh. You sell outs even greyed some non grey commentors who pointed it out to I noticed. Start being game journalists again before this site takes a dive down.

I have been commenting this same thought on all of these, but greys comments get no respect here. Only the yes men commenters get approval on Kinja.

number of days in 2017 so far = 25

How much is Blizzard paying you for all the articles for this mediocre game. Do you have a quota to hit of Overwatch articles in order to get payed or what. So tired of this over hyped, over rated game. Worst game journalists ever, there are so many better things to cover.