Awake Canadian

And of coarse in all of these stories its always just “the white” this “the white” that. Because APPARENTLY only white people can be racist according to mainstream media. All the black “protesters” beating up white people and stealing their car for voting Trump, that’s perfectly OK.

You know he didn’t do that right?. I bet you never watched the rally like most uninformed people, and just follow along with with the TV tells you.

Here a quick google search brings up this site that has a great detailed breakdown of it all.


That was the plan to have someone else do it, (so Hillary’s criminal backers can donate) but people are to stupid to see that. The reality is, Americans DID vote for Trumps America. And the sooner you accept it the better.

Here is why Popular vote doesn’t mean a dam thing. Its simple echo chamber politics (stopping

There is a downside, you missed the whole point. It alienates 1 side of the player base all because the developer wanted to fill their pockets instead. They are already payed off the Pre Orders, the DLC’s, the Season Passes from the consumer.

all news says the markets just keep going up

This only shows how immature your bullshit staff has ALWAYS been, and whats worse is you have a following of even more immature morons. I cannot wait for President Trump to shut the mouths of all you people.

And as a game journalist, you should be repeatedly telling these moronic game companies to cut the sh*t out as it benefits nobody.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

They’re simply price matching Targets deal for today. Welcome to black friday week.

They’re simply price matching Targets deal for today. Welcome to black friday week.

it is 50% off because it is a boring game after the first week of play

it is 50% off because it is a boring game after the first week of play

That has happened already with the past 4 American Presidents...try again.

You might want to read the article again.

“our source told us” - Deadspin Editor

Those 4 words makes the article a fraudulent piece, if you believe this article I feel bad for you and your country.

Wow you are one unintelligent person, keep grasping at straws of Trump not getting into office cry baby democrat. The guy isn’t even in office yet and this crap shoot website claims it has “sources” that told them he isn’t prepared, what a dam joke. Are you American’s so pathetic that you cannot see how badly the last

Where’s all the images of Biden groping the young girls? oh here’s a couple.

“It means you don’t accept racism and bigotry”
Do you know what Bigotry means? Here,

They’re extremely butt hurt and a lifetime of getting participation awards has not prepared them to take a loss with class. Instead, they wail and gnash their teeth like it’s the end of the world while also thinking that Hilary was a decent person. Trump won, but we would have lost either way! Hilary just played

Sounds like somebody’s a little butthurt over the election results....

Those “friendly protesters”(funded by Soros’ who are now “rioters” are small, small minded morons like the rest of the commenters around here. This crap shoot network refuses to report facts or anything that is happening, instead you just attack Donald Trump. That tactic didn’t work in the primary’s, and

And this is the problem with you and most of the people posting around this network, that Facebook post makes you a bigot. You surround yourself with only people from one side, one train of thought, pushing one agenda, and it creates a echo chamber that you are afraid to leave.

Political agoraphobia isn’t healthy, you