Awake Canadian

Because if enough people decide they like playing with cheats on it stops being cheating. /s

Using Pokevision is like using Game Genie.

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Here is the video of it, and I wonder why the columnist didn’t add it? Because that “Sleaze” reporter got his a-hole torn a new one maybe?

3 million of it was already donated before anyone said shit.. fuck you gawker.. do some actual research for once instead of parroting the main stream so called “facts”

not only that, but trump but trump never had to fund raise for anyone
not only that, but how much money has clinton or bernie raised for the vets.. oh

Well you spent several hundred on a video card, when you could have gotten two game consoles for the same price. If you don’t want to spend crazy amounts of money for diminishing returns then don’t game on a cruddy pc. Console master race FTW!

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Arguments of GOP treatment of women aside, shouldn’t the truth matter here? The truth is that what happened would best be described as “jostling” and nothing that out of the ordinary on a subway platform. It’s certainly not criminal assault. There’s a reason all the liberal media outlets only show still photographs or

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most men and women see this for what it is, ca bullshit canard.

Your entire premise is wrong. He is not threatening to retaliate if they ban him.

So you are trying to show how “racist” someone else is, while starting your article with the words “The White Devil”?

This is not racism. Stop diluting the definition of the word by saying this is it.

Where was your outrage for this? If you will not criticize “White Chicks 2004” as you have ridiculed this then YOU are part of this issue.. YOU are a Race Alarmist... This is just flat out stupid... all of it, that movie, your article.. Just stop it and let these idiots parade themselves about..

Just so we’re one (who isn’t black) is allowed to color their face matter what the as to not offend anyone, anywhere...ever...for something that happened decades ago...out of respect for...something...ever. Cool.