
That's a pretty mild guarantee, given the history of guarantees.

No iPhone gaming. Row 500,000m in a year. Completeall levels for Duolingo Italian...still going strong. 11 more months to go...great.

Rowing is my favorite workout, by far. Strength, endurance, and cardio in one exercise?! Done.

If they were shooting for a “bacterial colonies on a Petri dish” look for that backsplash, they nailed it.

I’m not going to be on my deathbed thinking, “Man, I was kinda good at that game on my iPhone. Really glad I spent so much time playing it in my 20s and 30s.”

I hate that.

there’s webcams, a few stepper motors, and an interface that lets the robot turn the cube. The webcams feed back into a well-known algorithm, which determines the fewest number of moves to solve the cube in the fastest possible time.

Only four seconds faster than a human. Not impressed, computers.

If your immediate reaction was typing about “you’re”, you’re a jerk.

When you’re team has a player with such a glaring weakness, don’t be surprised when other teams take advantage of it. End of story.

The worst part would be that from now on you'd be "Reply All Guy" to everyone at the company.


This is great advice.

I have a Discover savings account (separate from my main BofA accounts) for just this purpose. I was surprised how annoying/effective having to wait 3-4 days for transfers is at keeping me from withdrawing funds. Definitely recommended.

I didn't know people didn't do this already.

Totally doable...starting now!

Compared to all other U.S. cities, St. Louis is struggling. One recent study reports that St. Louis ranks 490 out of 515 U.S. cities and 61st among the 64 largest U.S. cities in economic growth in recent years. That same study reported that St. Louis had the lowest rate of population growth of any major U.S. city from

I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.

Chip Kelly. So obvious.