Also acceptable spelling of disgrace: “Maple Leafs”
Also acceptable spelling of disgrace: “Maple Leafs”
That was one aspect of the argument, but the crux of the argument was that the Pelicans were so dysfunctional that they didn’t deserve to keep him or even get trade value for him, whereas since he wanted to go to the Lakers they simply deserved to get him.
Deadspin today: Rich Paul acted in a very strange way for an agent! It is indicative of a huge mess in Lakerland!
*Accountant, checking records* Charles, do you mean you ate a 100 Grand or ate 100 grand?
This should get all the stars. Burneko is a moron. 90% of the staffers here are morons, but Burneko takes that cake for incessantly pushing that Davis garbage.
“tHe pElIcAnS aRe a tErRiBlE oRgAnIzAtIoN aNd sHoUlD tRaDe aNtHoNy dAvIs tO tHe lAkErS fOr tWo sTaLe sAlTiNeS aNd a pApEr cLiP.”
It reminds me of Kevin Smith talking about “Prince World” - people like that are so detached from reality because of their wealth and being surrounded by sycophants that they have lost the ability to understand seemingly simple concepts.
lotta guys out there robbing Peter for him
This is the obligatory reminder that according to Deadspin, the Lakers should have, nay, deserved to be gifted Anthony Davis because they’re so well run.
Dude's a doctor. Not a necromancer.
What treatment do you recommend the doctor administer to the dead woman?
I mean...
you mean drake, a millionaire since he was a small child, would be looking forward to posing with the president who has done more for his class than any other.
A 360 layup:
As a White Plains resident I enjoy attending Liberty games in the county center. It’s cozy, convenient and yes there’s no stench of James Dolan in the atmosphere. That being said, can they switch to blue and orange unis ?
I’d love to see a report of every free throw that James Harden has taken that he doesn’t deserve.
Listen, if the police are going to use anti-trafficking laws to ruin the lives of willing sex workers, they can at least do some good and release the tape of a shit stain billionaire getting a a quick “mash&dash” on his way to the AFC Championship.
I don’t get this reference/joke but I want to go on record as saying I hate all podcasts that aren’t several comedians getting high in the presence of a microphone.
This is from like 2.5 years ago. I already know the counterargument of “Well it’s about INTEGRITY IN BALLPARK FOOD JOURNALISM” like Charlotte Wilder writing about a Diamondbacks food item would impact whoever SI still has covering baseball, instead of pointing out that “SI” isn’t pretending to be anything other than…
This isn’t exactly a beat writer going out to the team they cover and doing a glowing review of the stadium food. Oh wait, that happens every year when beat writers are invited to stadiums to eat and review new foodstuff.