
This might be valid if these companies weren’t raking in insane amounts of profit at the cost of the work force they employ. It should be absolutely illegal for a company with as much profit as Amazon to be allowed to pay any employees such a low wage that they are unable to afford basic necessities without government

Executive: We can’t afford to pay them our margins are razor thin. Now hold my champagne while I get into my helicopter to fly to my yatch. I just bought an island and only have the next two weeks to enjoy it.

OMG - a president with notes. Fuck - people here will bitch about anything.

That outfit Burnham is wearing seems familiar...

Wow, this is a shit headline. Go fuck yourself Rafi.

I mean, we got eight films about Harry Potter, and most people didn’t mind that one bit. Why the revulsion for the Skywalker family?

Now playing

Mystique comments to Professor X that perhaps the team should think about renaming themselves to the “X-Women,” considering the female heroes save the men’s mutant butts all the time.

I can’t think of any products where the original seller of it gets a cut of future sells after they no longer own it. So no original seller makes money off of used anything be it toasters, cars, books, software, clothes, houses, whatever.

Why would developers have a lawsuit on their hands? Can you tell me of a single time that used products being sold has ever won a court case to state that they can’t be sold used? Look me up a time that Toyota sued a used car lot, or Hasbro sued Goodwill for having their toy there, or a used baby clothes shop was sued

I don’t understand how this is a story about gender.

There’s is absolutely zero chance that buying any of these games today would put a single dollar in the pockets of those who created the games. I feel not at all guilty for downloading them.

Take what your corporate owners offer and then shut the fuck up.